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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2009-05-29 10:13:00

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Current mood: okay
Entry tags:coding, confesshus, deathnote.me, friends, girlfriend, hacking, perl, school, scribbld, uvm, web design

Happy Friday!
Well, I've been pretty busy lately. Trying to study and do well with my course at UVM. I've also been trying to work a little bit on Confessh.us code and DeathNote. But there just doesn't seem like there's enough time in the day! Haha.

Work has been going okay. I've been pretty busy lately, so I'm not as bored, which is definitely nice. I had wanted to go riding yesterday, but the weather was just so miserable and I had some things to work on for homework, so I didn't end up going. Today is a different story though, I do have an exam to take between 12pm and 2pm tomorrow, so at least I've got time to complete it. The weather isn't much better but it is FRIDAY!

I've been talking a lot with Adelaide lately. I'm so sad that she isn't local anymore cause I know we'd be hanging out like every day. I guess she's coming up in August, although who knows how well that's going to go over.

Nothing much happening today. I've finished most of the things I needed to get done, done. I have 2 meetings this afternoon, and then I am free. I'll probably do some riding this week and hopefully I'll be working on the new server. I think I am planning to announce a few permanent accounts for sale in the Hello June post in [info]news. We definitely need to get those new HDDs for the new server and right now, that's my only hope for getting them relatively soon.

I really a need a girlfriend. I need someone to kick it with, I'm so bored after work haha....

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2009-05-29 10:27 pm UTC (link)
Apparently there's a rumor going around that you're going to neglect this site in favor of DeathNote... some people are so dumb, haha.

Ooh, permanent accounts are always a good way to get people to buy. :D Good luck!!

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2009-05-30 09:33 pm UTC (link)
Haha, how silly.

I hope the permanent account sell...hah

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