Who: Rhys Nott, Will Jugson, and Amadeus Bole (NPC)
What: Taking care of business
Where: Bole's household
When: Noonish, today
Rhys let his eyebrows go high, and redirected his gaze to the ground while scratching his forehead lazily. At least this would be easy; Bole was already home, alone, waiting for him (along with Will as a 'Ministry Guard' for legal reasons, of course) to come to discuss 'important last matters' concerning his hearing and confession on Monday. Bole would let him in, they would talk for about three seconds, things would happen, and then that would be that. The whole thing would take twenty minutes, tops, not to mention be one of the cleaner assignments they've had to do. Rhys didn't really know what Bole was thinking, but either way he most definitely was not going to make it to that hearing, sadly enough. Good for Rhys, though, because they were never interesting when you knew what the people were going to say half the time anyway.
"No one cares about your damn finger anymore," Rhys replied finally, looking back up to see Will still inspecting it as they walked up the front steps to Bole's house. Without waiting for a response, Rhys made something of a disgusted look, finding the whole fascination-aspect of it that Will had with it slightly strange. He should just wear gloves for the rest of his life, if you asked him.
"Stop bringing it up," he finished, both of them taking the last step. Rhys didn't waste any time, and shifted everything he was carrying to his left had, letting his right one knock on the door loudly.
"Up yours," Will snapped, flashing the V sign with his newly attached, prosthetic pointer finger. He did not give one shit what anyone said or thought, all that mattered was that he wasn't some sort of freak of nature missing half a finger on his left hand. After a few years, people wouldn't even remember he had a fake one, so it didn't bloody matter---of course, Longbottom would be sure to mention it whenever possible to drive him up the wall, but Will did not honestly care anymore. At least, that's what he kept telling people, over, and over. He didn't care, though, and bent it a few more times for good measure as he waited for Bole to open the door.
This, really, was going to be a walk in the park. A park full of hexes and death, but an easy stroll nonetheless. Will would never admit that he had doubts about his death eater status, but this character, Bole, was more than just giving up his status. He'd been caught by the aurors a few weeks ago; fine, you can't win them all. That was stressful, Will could just imagine. But to say, to get a better deal (which would only take a few years off of his probable life-sentence in Azkaban), that he would give away secrets of other death eaters and plots and ploy? Mm, no. No, Will couldn't imagine such thoughts running through his head, because a lifetime in Azkaban was a much lighter sentence than the punishment a treacherous death eater will encounter when caught by his former cohorts.
And oh, the traitor is always caught.
The door opened and Will smiled genially at Amadeus Bole. The fool had tried to leave the country, only to be caught to a rather annoyed and perturbed Caradoc Dearborn. Definitely not someone you wanted to run in while in a bad mood, so the man's jumpy demeanor was expected. But, he grinned at the two young men, ushering them in.
"Oh---thank, thank goodness you guys are on my case," Bole said with a shaky laugh. Will's eyebrows went high and followed Rhys into the house; he was supposed to play 'security' for this dangerous excursion to a confined death eater's locked down house. The spells confining Bole into the house gave a shimmer, and Will became amused; he couldn't get out of here even if he wanted.
He couldn't help but smile as Bole let them in without a hitch, and Rhys idly looked around the house as they walked into what seemed like the sitting room. It didn't really matter what room he brought them to, all they cared about was whether it had windows, which this room fortunately enough did not. "Yes, how lucky," Rhys finally replied, and sent Amadeus another fake smile, which seemed to reassure the man, because after that he felt comfortable enough to sit down.
"Have a seat?" Bole inclined to two chairs with a less-than-firm hand, and a faint smile playing on his lips. Rhys watched him for a few moments, nodded, but didn't sit down. What had Dearborn done to this man, exactly? Because he had become quiet pitiful in the last three day time span. It was actually amusing, in a way, but more on the pitiful side.
"Before we begin, you know you have to give your wand to Auror Jugson, Mr. Bole," Rhys said in a placid tone as he produced parchment from his bag and put it on the table. Not like they really needed this anyway, but just for kicks. "Precautionary reasons, you've gone through this before," he continued, waving his hand as he searched for a quill (because of course, everyone cared about the difference between an anti-lying quill, and a regular when it came to the law). After finally finding it, Rhys looked up to see Amadeus halfway through the process of handing Will his wand, who was still standing in the doorway.
"Good. Now there are just a few things that need to be tied up for the hearing---- no, not with that quill." As if on cue, Bole produced a quill that had be sitting on the table, and lifted in into his hand. Dear Merlin, this was the highlight of his day, wasn't it? "These are official. Everyplace that you need to write is highlighted in a bright color, which will disappear once you sign... are you sure you want to do this?" Rhys asked in almost a dull tone as he slid the parchment and quill to the head of the table. This was the man's last fleeting chance to potentially save himself (though thoroughly leaving no fun for them), go to Azkaban, live a life, etc. But, no, why would he ever do that?
Fortunately for Will and Rhys, Amadeus feverishly began to sign everything that had been pushed in front of him, not responding or looking up until he had finished. "Yes," the other man replied, his voice actually stable for the first time in this conversation. Oh, how dumb he was
Will, almost tiredly, feigned securing Bole's wand in the holster on his side. It wouldn't be there for long, there was no need for the charms that would normally be set. Behind his sunglasses (probably Will's favorite part of the auror uniform---even if they weren't required, it helped keep up a a state of anonymity, and not to mention looked fucking awesome) he watched the paper work, thinking of how glad he was that he hadn't decided on the magical law route; Rhys was good at the whole...dealing with people thing. Not socially, really (just look at his relationship with Juliet, they were a wireless prime time show if Will knew any---), but Will would never have the patience to deal with morons like Bole before strangling them.
Which was probably why being an auror was the best fit; he could blow up the people that annoyed him on the job.
His cheeks puffed gently in slight boredom as his eyes scanned the room. Lots of books to make a mess with, closed quarters to make a more 'frantic' scene--yes, this would do quite nicely, and Will uncrossed and then crossed his arms again to stretch out some joints before the fun began. He watched Bole flip through the package of parchment to finish signing the legal documents. Now...Bole knew that they were death eaters as well, so...what was going through his mind? That they were here to give him things that were 'all right' to tell the court? People that he would be 'allowed' to sell out to the ministry?
Well. There were a few of those, but those details were already being handled.
"Here, I'm done," Bole said, closing the package and lifting it up to Rhys. "Now, you're---you're going to make sure things go---go right, yeah? I mean," he chuckled nervously, shrugging his shoulders in an almost paranoid manner, "I mean. You're going to help, right? Band of brothers?"
Will could not stop the laugh that escaped his mouth as he tossed the idiot's wand to Rhys.
Band of brothers? That was definitely new. To suppress his amusement, Rhys pulled his lips back together tight and quickly plucked the parchments out of Bole's hand only to throw them back on the table with a smack. Even if the man had just signed away to death, it didn't really matter now; for all they knew, the documents could be sadly lost in terrible misfire. Pity, it had actually taken time for Rhys to collect and put everything together for this.
"I'm afraid not," Rhys stated in a cold tone, bringing Amadeus' wand up lazily to his face to inspect it with almost intrigue. The other man stood up quickly, his chair falling back to hit the wall with a bang. Rhys' eyebrows went high as the man stumbled out from the table, sputtering away.
"But--- but--- we had a--- deal. I signed--- everything, stayed here, did--- exactly what you said to do, what are you--- saying?" He eyed both of them (Will more than Rhys), holding onto the side of the table with a tight grip. Sweat easily broke out onto his face, and it was very obvious that he knew what was about to happen. Or the basic gist of it. A small smile appeared on Rhys face as he glanced over a Will, then back to Amadeus.
"Yes, with the Ministry, Mr. Bole," Rhys answered, taking out his own wand at this point. "But not with the Dark Lord." The older man instantly paled, his eyes now locked on his own wand in Rhys' hand. It didn't take long for Rhys to turn his head slightly, and then extend his hand with Bole's wand in it out toward the man with a warm smile. But once he moved, Rhys had no problem reacting.
"Imperio!" Amadeus Bole stopped dead in his tracks mid lurch, and then stood up straight as if silently waiting for someone to approach him. Rhys couldn't help but continue to smile, but in a much different way.
Will's wand was out, and he took on the proper stance for a duel, sending a few warning sparks at Bole. When the man didn't react, Will's hand dropped and he nodded at Rhys, twirling his wand expertly in his hand. Now to figure out the game plan. He summoned the package of parchment and flipped through it, not having read some of the offenses and habits that were related to Bole. His mouth twisted in a smirk, and looked curiously over at Bole as if he'd be able to respond to him.
"A furnunculus fiend? Really? That's rather disgusting, Bole---oh," Will's face perked up in a smile, shaking his head lightly at the imperiused man, "A play on your name? Really?"
Holding back a snicker, Will tossed the papers back to the table, and tightened his grip on his wand. He would love to just off Bole and have it be done with, but with the high security of the case and with how many ministry officials were involved, they needed to make this look like a legit attack on Bole's part. So, if that meant faking a duel, then so be it---it would be good practice, anyway.
"How's your aim, Nott?" Will said with a challenging grin, though he motioned for his friend to move a bit to the side; the spell was going to bounce off of Will's protego shield, and he reckoned that Rhys wouldn't want a face full of boils--even though it would be hilarious. He patted his shoulder, looking at Bole and his slack jaw with a wicked grin, going into his dueling stance once again.
Rhys tossed Bole's wand across the room with a smirk, and smiled even wider once the man caught it perfectly. Oh, this was going to be fun. Adrenaline suddenly rushed through his body all the way down to his toes. Or perhaps it was just a simple surge of power, but either way, he definitely liked the way it felt. He could make this man do anything--- anything-- with a simple flick of his wrist. Anything he wanted; do a dance, jump off the table, kill himself....was there anything disconcerting about that? No, Rhys didn't think so. He found it beyond thrilling.
"We'll see, you need the practice, yes?" he replied, watching as the other man slowly mimicked Will to stand in a duel stance also. Rhys had never really fancied himself as a good dueler, per say, but that shouldn't translate too much into Bole; he could do anything now. Well, anything that he thought up of.
Taking a hint, Rhys looked around for a proper place to stand to get out of the way. The room was rather small, with the table being the main center piece, leaving just enough space for Bole and Will, but that was about it. As Bole seemingly prepared himself (by staying frozen in his position), Rhys heaved himself on top of the table to sit cross-legged and out of the way, for the most part. He was fairly sure he was capable of ducking if anything of that sort came toward him but would be unlikely.
Without a further word, Rhys jerked his wand again and Amadeus Bole came to life. "Furnuculus!" the other man yelled abruptly, a yellow jet of light speeding out of his wand.
Knowing what hex was coming helped a great deal, and Will wasted no time in deflecting the spell, sending it hurling into the bookcase and causing the texts to plummet from their shelves and onto Bole---or Bole's body, it was a bit odd to think that this was actually a man standing there, and not a puppet. Though, next time (if they could ever be so lucky to have a next time so similar to this) Will would gladly take the job of puppeteering, as simply being able to hex the man without having any sort of concern about a rampant, surprise spell was intoxicatingly enjoyable.
"Mr. Bole!" Will shouted in his best 'auror voice', though he was grinning almost madly "Put down your wand, you've been warned---hey--"
He deflected the spiraling red hex up into the ceiling (and just barely before it cut off a chunk of his leg) and glared hard at Rhys, who was obviously going to make this some sort of game. Not that Will hadn't been thinking of it like that, but---Rhys wasn't the one getting hexes and jinxes hurled at him. "Now, now that's just not nice."
Thinking quickly, he shot a blinding light toward Bole, a spell that could be traced on the walls behind the man after; it would prove that Will had attempted to force the man to succumb before more dire actions were taken; it would also cause Rhys' eyes to sting for a little bit. Good for him; Will looked down at his legs and noticed a hole where the burning hex had sliced through. It hadn't hit skin, but. Close enough. Taking his stance again, Will gave his opponent(s) a moment to collect themselves. This would be over soon.
Will had said that he wanted practice. Did he think Rhys was going to go easy on him just because of that? William was the auror after all; he should be able to handle a petty puppet throwing curses every other minute. So Rhys' only response was a light shrug, not exactly too concerned that his friend might have gotten hurt. It hadn't been that horrible of a spell; nothing to get touchy over.
Well. Apparently not. Rhys shoved his head into his shoulder, letting out something of a surprised shout. That was--- a lot of descriptive words came to mind, but he simply uncrossed his legs to bring his knees up to his face. "You could have warned me," Rhys snapped, blinking furiously as he tried to not loose focus on controlling Bole. With another swish, the other man jumped backwards into the wall, hitting it loudly as Rhys pulled his face away from his shoulder and sat back like he had been before.
Alright, this needed to end relatively quickly. He might be power hungry, but he wasn't stupid; Will was no doubt a better dueler than he was, and as much as Rhys was enjoying this, getting carried away wasn't exactly an option. So he let out a controlled breath of air and watched as Bole quickly stood back up. "Duck," Rhys ordered quickly, only waiting a few seconds before having the other man shoot out a string of random spells that went askew across the back wall.
Rhys waited until he saw a distinct flash of green light hit the back corner before speaking. "Alright, now you can kill him."
As it was still a bit frowned upon for the aurors to use the Unforgivables (and loads of them were preachy and high and mighty about refusing to use them ever), Will had to resort to a much less...well, the killing curse was supposedly utterly painless, so anything that struck you down cold, well, he saw it to be a bit harsher than what most considered unforgivable. He deflected a few of more of the barrage of hexes, but apparated with a crack to across the room and away from the green flash of Avada Kedavra; he was becoming an excellent dueler, but there was in no way that he was going to risk trying to throw that hex off. Though---he supposed that the apparating was a bit of a defense mechanism as well, so he immediately dismissed thoughts of being too cowardly to handle the green rush of death.
"Right, then," he muttered, and Will's arm whipped out. A lightening bolt of a purple hex hit Bole straight in the chest, stopping his heart---relatively painless, and he could recover from it if he was attended to quick enough. Will let out a breath and lazily made it across the room, haphazardly using the healing spells you were supposed to use to revive your victim---opponent.
Shame. Too late.
Will turned to Rhys with a shrug, then back down at Bole's lifeless body. He gave it a nudge with his toe, "I tried."