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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-09-29 16:04:00

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Current mood: nervous
Current music:"Watch it Die" -- Bad Religion
Entry tags:money

Guys, in the immortal words of Han Solo: I've got a bad feeling about this.

I am feeling very nervous about the economy. It looks like it's teetering on the edge of something EXTREMELY UGLY. Banks have failed (and have been subsequently bought, thank whatever for that). Businesses have gone under or have filed for bankruptcy in a short span of time, from giants like Bear Stearns to local companies like once-great Tampa-area seafood chain Shells and our weekly alt-paper. Families across the United States are hurting for money for food to put on the table, pay off their bills, and keep the lights on. Jobs are disappearing.

I'm urging ALL OF YOU TO VOTE THIS NOVEMBER. If you are 18 and over and haven't registered to vote, register today! Granted, we might be too far fucked for the next president to be effective within his term, but IT MATTERS. Imagine the difference if we'd voted Hoover in for another term rather than one of the best presidents in US history, FDR. FDR only saw slow change in his first term, too.

A wrong choice (and not just for President, Congress too!) could spell depression. Let's make our voices heard.

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