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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2009-03-09 11:47:00

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Current mood: happy
Current music:in fear and faith
Entry tags:emilie, equine, girlfriend, mac os x, movies, network administration, photography, server administration, vermont, work

Do You Feel Alive...?
Just got a whole ton of new music. I've actually not listened to much of it yet, but the new Vanna album is quite amazing. It's definitely going to go on my iPod :) I've been working a lot on adding stuff into Delicious Library. I've completed movies, so I guess next I'll work on video games and TV shows. We're like 7 episodes away from having 4,000 TV episodes haha. We've also got like 950 movies which is nuts. I'm really hurting on space now haha. I can't wait to get a new server. I'll be able to offload like 100GB+ onto there.

Yesterday, I didn't really do much, actually, I did like nothing at all haha. Around 2 or so, I went to the barn and worked there. It's so nice seeing all the horses and everything. Was also really nice to see Rita and Bethany and her new horse Joy. She's a really good looking horse. After that, I stopped by the old apartment and we picked up the server rack and a few other items that had been left behind. Got back and put everything that would fit in the rack, in there. I'll have to take some photos, maybe this afternoon :) Or how about right now :)


This is the server rack.

The black box on the left is the main Scribbld web server, the box on the right is another main web server for other websites. The green boxes are switches.

You can some of the external drives, the Mac mini is the main database server, our modem and router. Also an Airport Extreme.

Another shot of the rack of gear. Hopefully we'll be filling that little void with a new database server soon!

A shot of our Cisco switches. Some of those Ethernet cables definitely need to be replaced!

Today's snow fall, I wish it would just stop and be Spring already, uugh!

So there you have it, a few photos. I am really hoping to get that new database server before the beginning of summer. We're really in need of a decent box for handling it all. Today...

Woke up around 9...definitely a bit later then I was hoping for, but it's okay. I think I finished a Dirty Jobs episode, got some breakfast. Then [info]emilie called and we chatted for a bit, figured out some plans for today. I think I'll head to the barn around 2pm or so, get my chores done, then we're going to meet up at the grocery store and pickup some stuff to make a nice meal at her place...I dunno what else we're going to do. I'll finally be able to see my kitty.

Hopefully the roads aren't too bad. I guess just take it nice and easy and it'll be fine. So now I'm going to read a bit of my Anime Insider mag and maybe watch a movie. Have a lovely day everyone! :)

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2009-03-13 06:15 am UTC (link)
we thought the winter weather had stopped, for a few days, then it suddenly hit us and the temperature dropped from about 75 to 45 in two hours a couple of days ago =_= now we are all extremely angry at it here! nice that you guys at least get snow! down here even people from Michigan complain about our cold weather due to the wind.

beautiful shots of what keeps this place up and running, I need to donate money agan...

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2009-03-13 02:12 pm UTC (link)
Haha I wish it had stopped! But wow, from 75 to 45, eeeek!

Money helps hehe. We really really wanna get that new server...I might put a chunk of the money I get back from taxes toward it myself. Anything is much appreciated! :)

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2009-03-14 04:15 am UTC (link)
yeah we get that often in the early spring and late fall, a few years back in July the temperature dropped down to 40 in one day, almost had snow, then it jumped back up to about 95 the next day... Oklahoma

I am getting no money back from the tax returns, didnt set up my W-4 right I think...

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