I Don't Want To Wait
Kal lay on her back on a blanket on the roof of her building and looked up at the black, well almost black, sky. Stars were hidden by the lights from the city, but Kal knew they were out there. She had seen them without the Earth's atmosphere getting in the way and distorting the view. Ever since her trip into space she had been focused on what was beyond the Earth's atmosphere.
Twenty times today she had to stop herself from calling her cousin and having him give her an express ride to Titan. She brought up the subject of her father to her mother...and well it didn't go well. There was some yelling and a lot of stubbornness on both sides. Eventually her mother relented and agreed to contact her father. Of course with her mother the soon could be a year, ten or a century.
Kal sighed.
How did an immortal being learn patience?
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