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dc_holiday ([info]dc_holiday) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-06-20 01:21:00

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Entry tags:avia free, cait curry, dinah kord, goldstar, holiday, inactive - alex rice-matthews, inactive - josh casey, inactive - kieran grey, inactive - lady avalon, inactive - max szasz, inactive - mikey dugan, inactive - tim kent, inactive - traya smith, inactive - warhawk, inactive - wendi tyler, jayhawk, jerry carr, joey mason, jon kent, mike blood, mourning dove, npc - jai west, npc - maxine gibson, petra gardner, tyler darnell

Father's Day
What Makes a Dad

God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so,

He called it ... Dad

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2010-06-20 04:01 am UTC (link)
Josh has been thinking about this since Mother's day really. But he's kept it to himself. So once he was sure Henry would be busy with his father and Avalon and Katima were busy with other things, Josh snuck out. He left a note saying where he was going but he didn't really want anyone with him. Two quick trips through the League teleporters brings him to Central City . Then it's a bus right up to the area around Iron Heights. A quick change in an alley into uniform and he's off.

Now he's sitting in the visitor's area patiently. The whole prison has him feeling uncomfortable. He can sense people hurt and in pain but he's here for something specific. Sensing approaching guards and a life signal that makes his heart leap into his throat. He waits patiently until the very old looking man is sat down on the other side of the glass and then picks up the little phone. Once the guards are out of ear shot and the man on the other side of the glass has picked up his reciever, LifeForce speaks.

"Hello, Father."

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2010-06-20 04:14 am UTC (link)
Buying something for father’s day was always hard for Mike as there didn’t seem to be much his dad wanted that he had gotten years ago and for the most part any of the things he did want were not something Mike could get his hands on. But Mike did think he had found something that he knew his dad would like that he didn’t have already a framed picture of the two of them that had been taken recently and it looked rather good too, Jason had even smiled and it didn’t look scary either.

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2010-06-20 04:26 am UTC (link)
Alex puts a lot of work into Father's Day. He has a nice breakfast prepared for Damon and Todd. He then presents gifts, a brand new briefcase for Damon and a few books he knows Todd was looking for but couldn't find for his other father. And after some visits with Grandpa Alan and Damon's parents, Alex sends both his parents off to dinner at a nice place. He's of course cleared out of the apartment for the night, sleeping at he JSA HQ.

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2010-06-20 04:40 am UTC (link)
Dressed simply as 'Tim Kent' complete with the fake glasses and his costume hidden safely under the civvies, Tim stands a little nervously outside a door. He got the address easily enough but working up the nerve to actually go took a little bit of work. But now he stands outside the door and takes a deep breath. "Here goes nothing," he says, knocking on the door and waiting for Conner Kent to answer.

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2010-06-20 04:44 am UTC (link)
For father’s day Jerry had decided to take his dad on a world tour which promised to be a lot of fun like the other times they had done so.

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2010-06-20 04:56 am UTC (link)
Mikey build his dad some upgrades to the bots that did chores around the house at home and made the controls simpler for the Beer tap bot. After this he would probably try taking to his dad about the JSA if he didn’t know already and also about taking up his name sort of, Stripe.

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2010-06-20 05:00 am UTC (link)
Cait wanted to see her father, she did miss him, but after what happened at her birthday it was probably best she didn't see him. There was also that whole refusing a royals summons thing hanging over her head.

She could always use the excuse that Atlantis didn't celebrate Father's Day.

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2010-06-20 05:05 am UTC (link)
Ty spends most of the day with Cait, well aware how she feels about her father, complex as the situation is. The time she does spend on her own, he heads skyward. He knows the story of his father, his struggles and short life, though he died long before Ty was born. Nonetheless, he's always felt some empathy for him, as well as always feeling that they sought a lot of the same answers, and that search had resulted in Frank Halloran's death.

The time to think, on this particular day, definitely brings some of his questions to the fore of his mind - and makes him wish it was tomorrow already.

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2010-06-20 05:07 am UTC (link)
Jon has always loved father's day. He looks up to his dad more than anyone else, after all. And every year, its the same thing - drive out to the Kent farm in Smallville and take the grandparents out to dinner and sundaes.

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2010-06-20 05:16 am UTC (link)
This is one of the few times since they came out west that Jay wishes he was back home. First year in as long as he can remember that he hasn't fulfilled his father's day tradition, one of the three times a year, father's day, veteran's day and Christmas, that he and his mother visited the grave of Sgt. Tom Sayers, sometimes with the Morgensterns, sometimes on their own.
Afterwards, his mother rarely remained sober unless Capt. Morgenstern was with her, and from about eleven until last year, he didn't either. He never knew the man, but his mother had never remarried, and Sgt. Sayers' absence definitely left a notable mark on his life.

Out of habit, and feeling the need to do something, Jay finds the nearest cemetary with a large military burial presence, wandering around to just pause at the graves of the people with a rank before their names, figuring someone should remember, sort of.

Then, until Ruth gets back from studies and calling home, he spends a good portion of the day meandering, very much pondering shoplifting a six pack or a bottle from somewhere, and resisting the temptation only barely, spending most of the night very quiet instead.

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2010-06-20 05:31 am UTC (link)
Not having the same opportunity as usual to participate in Team Morgenstern's effort's to fix all the Captain's favorites at mealtime today, Ruth instead handled the present, scouring bookshops for just the right book on Oliver Wendell Holmes. She also called home for a long, long time before going back to Jay to make sure he was holding up okay.

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2010-06-20 05:39 am UTC (link)
She knew this day was supposed to be for fathers. She also knew that hers was gone from her. She had always maintained a good relationship with her father he had been a good man and had been respected among the other men in the village. Her mothers necklace had been his wedding gift to her on the day the wed. It was the only thing she had of his and now it was lost to the city of San Francisco. She rolled over on the bed she had taken over since her arrival and stayed in the darkness with the door closed.

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2010-06-20 09:52 pm UTC (link)
Maxine hadn’t seen or heard from her father since he had left her family and Maxine had given up on ever seeing him again years ago. Though Maxine did go to check up on how Terry was doing given what had happened to his dad.

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2010-06-20 09:56 pm UTC (link)
Kieran didn’t do anything for Father’s Day there simply wasn’t any point to it as he knew his father wouldn’t look at anything thing he sent and would never talk to him. His father had made things pretty clear that it was pointless to try any such things when he had disowned him.

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2010-06-20 10:00 pm UTC (link)
Max called up his dad for father’s day and they talked about what new had happened since they had talked on his birthday a couple days ago. They also had an interesting conversation on conspiracy stuff that would make both of them look insane even though it actually made logical sense, like why the girl scouts were behind the crop circle phenomenon.

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2010-06-20 10:03 pm UTC (link)
There's only one way to spend Father's Day in the Carter household. Dad's favorite time and place. Da Vinci's balcony, with a bottle of wine and the sounds of the city to drink up.

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2010-06-20 10:11 pm UTC (link)
Dinah spent the morning tinkering about with her dad, before the whole family headed into the city proper to visit Grandpa Jim.

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2010-06-20 10:12 pm UTC (link)
Avia worked with her dad on coming up with some new routines for her act and designing some new equipment.

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2010-06-20 10:13 pm UTC (link)
Yeah, talking to his dad? Not happening. Grandpa Simon, however, got a card and a tie.

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2010-06-20 10:15 pm UTC (link)
It was father's day. You got your dad ties for father's day. Which was what Traya did. Even if he didn't usually get to wear them.

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2010-06-20 10:20 pm UTC (link)
Same as every year. "Here's money. Take your brothers and sisters to the mall. See a movie. Get lunch. Don't come back until we call."

Followed by, "Dad! Father's Day doesn't meant you're supposed to father children today!"

Followed by being shooed out of the house.

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2010-06-20 10:43 pm UTC (link)
How else did you think Guy Gardner and his daughter would spend Father's Day?

They go off to get roaring drunk and start a bar-fight, followed by going shopping as soon as they're stitched upa gain.

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2010-06-21 12:40 am UTC (link)
Jai makes breakfast...as it's a bad idea for Irey to go near a kitchen at anytime. As with Mother's Day, Jai agrees to get along with his mom and not start any friction.

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2010-06-21 12:40 am UTC (link)
Rex wishes Carter a happy Father's Day, all the while wishing he had a moment to talk to his dad just one more time.

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2010-06-21 02:46 am UTC (link)
Scott leaned back in his chair and looked around. He couldn't go back, it'd been too soon since his last jump. But maybe a simple transmission to his dad wouldn't be too bad. Besides, he was pretty sure if things got bad, Scarab and Goldstar would vouche for him.

So Scott sent out a little message to his father.

"Hey dad. Having fun here. Don't let Mom worry too much, I'm fine. And I don't quite have a gift for you this year, but then again, with time being all relative and all, maybe not so important. I don't have long to talk. But I want you to know I'm fine and tell Mom I'm fine too. And I may not be as fast as Quick Rick, but I got my flight system to hit Mach 3.3 finally. I'm getting there. And next time I can port back, I'll see you in the old workshop."

A reply buzzes through Scooter's chronophones. A fuzzy, choppy sound, but still. A two minute talk with father and son. Scott was happy to have it, and so was Richard Theodore Knight, the future hero Quick Rick.

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