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Orion Sinistra ([info]mmmsodreamy) wrote,
@ 2013-07-10 19:54:00

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Got to work this morning to discover that not one, not two, but three baby Short-Snouts had escaped. Apparently some genius forgot to lock them up.

Because locking up dragons is something that just slips ones mind, apparently.

Took 5 of us to get the bloody things back into their cage, and 2 sets of eyebrows were scorched off in the process. I am happy to say that I came through unscathed.

Poor little buggers looked miserable - the dragons that is, though my hairless co-workers looked equally unhappy. I put some extra brandy in with their blood as a peace offering.

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2013-07-10 10:01 pm UTC (link)


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2013-07-10 10:05 pm UTC (link)
Oh, yeah. Lushes, the lot of them.

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2013-07-10 11:03 pm UTC (link)

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2013-07-10 11:14 pm UTC (link)
Yes, Max. I'm joking.

Well, not about the brandy. That part is true. We mix it with chicken blood until they're about a year old. I don't really know why but I'm assuming it's to help them sleep. These little guys went out like a light, though one of them got the hiccups shortly after feeding.

I found it hilarious.

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2013-07-10 11:27 pm UTC (link)

Ha ha hilarious--- hiccuping-- dragons--!

Tell me more.

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2013-07-11 10:19 am UTC (link)
Well there's only so much you can do for a hiccuping dragon, unfortunately. It's not as though I can instruct it to hold its breath, so we kind of had to let the little guy ride it out. The problem was that dragon hiccups are pretty flammable. Almost lost another set of eyebrows.

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2013-07-10 11:03 pm UTC (link)
BABY SHORT-SNOUTS! I didn't know they'd hatched! ORION! You are supposed to keep me up to date with these things!

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2013-07-10 11:17 pm UTC (link)
They hatched only last week! You should come and see them before they get too big and can start unlocking the cage on their own.

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2013-07-10 11:20 pm UTC (link)
I JUST WANT TO SQUEEZE ONE! Yes! Definitely! Excellent!

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2013-07-10 11:29 pm UTC (link)
Let me know when you plan on dropping by, I'll get them all ready for you.

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2013-07-10 11:25 pm UTC (link)

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2013-07-10 11:30 pm UTC (link)
If you want to come, than come.

That enough of an invitation for you?

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2013-07-11 02:22 pm UTC (link)
You know, if you had free-range dragons this wouldn't be a problem.

Then you just have to worry about dragons who hold a grudge!

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2013-07-11 02:31 pm UTC (link)
This is true, though I feel as though we might have a lot of other things to worry about if they were just roaming about.

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2013-07-11 05:45 pm UTC (link)
That sounds like more of an excuse than a real concern.

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2013-07-11 05:49 pm UTC (link)
You should talk to the people who run the joint, for I am but a lowly peon who does their bidding.

Just flash them one of those big smiles and tell them they're doing it all wrong - I don't think I charm them half as much as I used to.

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2013-07-11 05:50 pm UTC (link)
What! Are you getting out of practice, Orion? I thought you used to be quite the charmer.

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2013-07-11 05:59 pm UTC (link)
I like to think that wizards who write my paychecks have just become immune to my charms. I do try and get as much practice as possible.

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2013-07-11 06:00 pm UTC (link)
An unfortunate side effect of working for someone.

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2013-07-11 06:03 pm UTC (link)
Absolutely terrible. Makes it difficult to get away with half the shit I do that I'm not "supposed" to.

Rules are overrated, if you ask me.

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2013-07-11 06:07 pm UTC (link)
See, when you work for your parents the worst they can do is frown disapprovingly at you.

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2013-07-11 06:13 pm UTC (link)
You've turned me green with envy.

Bloody hell, I can't even imagine working for either my parents. I have no desire to work a 9-5 job at the ministry like my father, and I think I'd lose my mind if I were cooped up in an astronomy tower with my mother all day. Love the woman to death, but she is overly enthusiastic.

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2013-07-11 06:18 pm UTC (link)
I seem to recall that she might've been a bit overexcited over constellations, it's true.

Well, at least your current job keeps you outside.

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2013-07-11 06:31 pm UTC (link)
That's like saying the ocean is a bit wet.

I love my job, don't get me wrong, I just don't like the people I work for. Each of them has a stick shoved way too far up their ass.

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2013-07-11 06:39 pm UTC (link)
Is it a literal stick? Maybe they had an accident. You ought to ask.

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2013-07-11 07:56 pm UTC (link)
Tried, once. It's apparently a very touchy subject, seeing how the consequence of me asking was being sentenced to a month of cleaning dragon dung.

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2013-07-14 01:56 am UTC (link)
I think I called that 'my pubescent years', cleaning dragon dung.

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2013-07-14 03:52 am UTC (link)
That's terrible.

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