Each year Dawkins removed a set of folders from his filing cabinet. In the spring the set was rather large, covering all of the students above year two. In the fall the set was much smaller, comprised only of the university students.
Each semester the university students could decide if they wanted to continue in their chosen subject or to study something new. He posted a sign outside his door for the students to choose their preferred slot.
He expected throughout the day that some of the chosen mentors would be drifting in and out of his office as well. They liked to be involved in the process, particularly if the student needed some discussion to encourage them to continue.
Dawkins leaned back in his chair, blue bowtie firmly knotted, waiting for the first student on the docket.
(OOC: Anyone can play Dawkins, you can play him yourself if you're so inclined (just don't expire all sessions when you logout of the faculty journal because you'll knock everyone else's log-ons off). Your students can jump in anywhere and discuss with Dawkins how their study is going and if they'd like to keep the subject and mentor or switch it up; we can even have their current mentor or a new one jump into the meeting. Slots are a half an hour for mid-semester scheduling).
Each semester the university students could decide if they wanted to continue in their chosen subject or to study something new. He posted a sign outside his door for the students to choose their preferred slot.
He expected throughout the day that some of the chosen mentors would be drifting in and out of his office as well. They liked to be involved in the process, particularly if the student needed some discussion to encourage them to continue.
Dawkins leaned back in his chair, blue bowtie firmly knotted, waiting for the first student on the docket.
(OOC: Anyone can play Dawkins, you can play him yourself if you're so inclined (just don't expire all sessions when you logout of the faculty journal because you'll knock everyone else's log-ons off). Your students can jump in anywhere and discuss with Dawkins how their study is going and if they'd like to keep the subject and mentor or switch it up; we can even have their current mentor or a new one jump into the meeting. Slots are a half an hour for mid-semester scheduling).
9:00am slot
She'd almost forgotten that scheduling was due again already. Her semester with Professor Walsh had flown by so fast; she was learning so much and always finding new avenues of knowledge to explore. Which, really, was the point of studying at the higher level.
Finding the door open when she arrived at Dawkins' office, she let herself in and sat across from the goateed doctor and smiled. "Morning!"
"How have you been doing this semester?" He could easily look at her file for the answer, but he found that a student's reply was much more telling.
She peered over the desk at the papers he was looking at, trying to spy if there was anything from Professor Walsh there about her progress. "Did I do well?"
"Professor Walsh seems to think you could stand another semester with him. If you wanted, of course," he added. "You've progressed nicely with theory, but he noted that you need to pick up some new skills, learn some new methods of use. Unless of course you're satisfied with all you learned from him. You can certainly move on to the next area of study."
"I think another semester with me might be good for him," she said lightly. "I am an awesome TA, after all."
10:00am slot
She expected Professor Olivier to make an appearance at this meeting, if only because it was part of her professional code of honor.
She'd learned a great deal over the course of this semester, but she wanted to gain even more finesse in her wand work. She had at least one more semester with Olivier before she moved on to another subject she wanted to work on.
"How did your first semester go, Miss Travers? Did everything match up to your plans?"
She took out her notes and perused them for a moment. "I think I'd like to advance and be a teaching assistant for year seven charms, but I'm sure Professor Olivier would like to discuss that before making a firm decision."
"I'm sorry I'm late," she offered genuinely. She really had meant to be on time for this, as it meant a lot to Carly. She smiled at her teaching assistant and took a seat by Dawkins' desk. "I hope you will be staying with me for another semester, Carly. I know you'd like some more wristwork practice."
5:30pm slot
He arrived at the allotted time and wasn't terribly surprised to find that Professor Morse was sitting in one of the chairs conjured up around Dr. Dawkin's desk. He was surprised however to find the headmistress seated at another as well as Professor Best.
This shit just got serious. He forced a very slight smile and took his seat in the middle of this inquisition.
He decided to pre-empt whichever of his colleagues would try to convince him otherwise. "There is no way he is coming back to my class, I swear it on Merlin's favorite pointy hat."
"I understand that Professor Morse has asked that you be allowed to continue your studies, but has also indicated that you're not yet ready to assist in his classroom." She made the slightest sound of disapproval, but Templeton Morse almost always managed to get his way.
Dr Dawkins watched him leave with the slightest amusement. Professor Best was a strange one-- but not the sort of strange that functioned well in conjunction with an offbeat kind of student like Hawthorne Nikitin. Unfortunately, that clash was exactly what had them here at this point.
He offered a gentle smile. "As you can see, you've put us in a little bit of a bind when it comes to your continuing studies. We need to find you a class to assist in that is a good... fit for your personality and learning style. Do you understand?"
"Yeah," he replied glumly. He understood that these adults weren't really in a mind-frame to help him anymore. He'd fucked up his higher education and he could see it slipping away from him.
Strange how it happened that he only stayed in school at his mother's insistence, but now he wanted to be here. Now he could the crushing defeat at the end of his education, cut short and no hope of renewal.
"I always got along well with Professor Rosenthal."
He flipped through Thorn's paperwork quickly, isolating the reports from his Herbology and Art classes. He'd done quite well in Herbology, but wondered if pairing him with the teacher popularly known as 'Professor Pothead' was a great idea. "You took Art three times," he commented, attempting to subtly lead Thorn into thinking about Professor Rosenthal as a preferred option. "It would seem you've quite the drive for creativity."
With a simple swish of her wand she summoned the professor. His office wasn't very far and within a few moments of waiting Rosenthal was knocking at the door.
The warning was unspoken, but very clear. This is very likely your last chance. Do not fuck it up. He stood from his desk when Professor Rosenthal entered the room. "Thank you for joining us on such short notice, Professor. Please, do take a seat. We were just discussing Mr Nikitin's options for the coming semester."
When Hawthorne didn't answer immediately the headmistress cleared her throat. "Actually Professor Rosenthal, I believe Hawthorne has decided to continue studying with Professor Morse, but he's not yet ready to TA in his classes. Professor Best is not a viable option and therefore we're hoping that you could take on Hawthorne for the semester."
Pete nodded at all of this, his head bobbing back and forth as if in time to her words. "Cool. Cool. Yeah, we can do that. Thorn knows the drill with art; you'll be great," he added encouragingly. Obviously he'd have to get the whole story from Dawkins later. Or maybe pop on down to Best's lab and ask for the latest mood lifting potion. That was always the preferred method of getting gossip out of the strange man.
What if his best wasn't good enough for anyone?
He nodded quietly and excused himself from the meeting. He'd have to thank Professor Rosenthal later for helping him out in a really sticky situation. And maybe thank Morse for really advocating to keep him in school.
He wasn't ready for the outside world yet. He was hardly able to keep it together in the relative safety of Dresden.
3:30pm slot
"I see you've Divined your next semester already," he said dryly. "No time to talk about your expectations?"
He offered her the slightest shrug and set the recommendation down. "Of course; enjoy the remainder of your day. But Abernathy," he added, using her first name so that it was clear that he was speaking to her from a more concerned place, "you know that if you ever need to talk about anything, my door is open."
He knew the offer would be rebuffed, even as he put it out there.