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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-07-14 01:04:00

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Current mood: nerdy
Entry tags:party, social anxiety

I hate parties. So why am I going, again?
I don't like large parties. They're obnoxious, and despite all of the action going on, I find them... boring.

So why the fuck am I going to the Metromix launch party at the end of the month? Cause good lord, I'm going to be like the dad in that show Freaks and Geeks, when he's obligated to go to a big party hosted by the neighborhood dentist.

The dad: "Well, I'm going to need some anesthesia."

And he gets totally wasted at said party, haha.

That's going to be me, totally. Come in bored and avoidant, leave "happy". Hopefully they've got good beer (yes, I'm picky about booze). And hopefully the DJ doesn't play shit music (though I'm certain that's going to be the case)

That reminds me of another Freaks and Geeks quote (can you tell I LOVE this show):
DJ at the disco: "Aren't you one of those guys who's always running in here yelling "disco sucks?" What's the matter, cat got your bong, man? Is that how you learned to communicate? Running in here and yelling stuff? Is that what your precious "rock and roll" teaches you?"
Ken (one of the slacker kids): "No, it teaches me that DISCO SUCKS!"

Maybe I can get the DJ to play some Van Halen. Twenty bonus points if it's "Everybody Wants Some!!!" or something weird and perhaps inappropriate, such as Electric Six's "Gay Bar".

Maybe it's just an excuse to wear my five-inch heels and make everyone drop dead. You know I'm a knockout, baby. :D

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2008-07-14 08:18 am UTC (link)
Yea, I don't really do parties either, so I feel your pain. Hopefully it won't be so bad.

In any case, I have an icon of Edward Norton throwing up a gang sign (okay not really a gang sign) to cheer you up. XD;

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2008-07-14 08:33 am UTC (link)
OMG that icon is made of AWESOME XD

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2008-07-14 04:01 pm UTC (link)
Almost as good as the bike-by. XD

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2008-07-14 09:56 pm UTC (link)
I'd like to agree with you totally about big parties, it's like what's the point? *ahem* sorry.

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