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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2008-04-18 10:56:00

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Current mood: accomplished
Current music://MacBreak Weekly - "Hot Lips and Hawkeye"//
Entry tags:consulting, hacking, mac os x server, resident evil, sony psp, writing

CSI, Consulting, Hacks
Had some consulting in Burlington yesterday. Then Ark and I went to the coffee shop and sat down and started to play with Backpack. It's such a nice application, but it's so expensive for what it is. I'd much rather pay like $100 or something to be able to run that on my own server without having such limitations and high price points for what you're getting. Oh well, we're going to try it for 30 days and see how well it works for us. So far it seems to be really cool. We're also using PackRat and I am going to look at getting it all onto the iPhone, so far so good.

After that, I went and picked up my Nintendo DS hack device thingy. And then I went to the barn and [info]emilie and I worked for about an hour. Went home, ordered some pizza (I love delivery). While we were waiting for that to come, I played with my Nintendo DS thing. It's the AceKard 2. I almost got this other one, but after hearing good things about the AceKard...


Oops, got sidetracked and couldn't finish my entry. Anyways, AceKard 2 is cool, just got the 4GB card, and still waiting for some games to download.

I told [info]makkintosshu I'd buy his Sony PSP just incase I break the one I am modding, although I see no reason as to why that would happen since it's no sodering or anything crazy. I also found out you can still play legal games with a modded PSP, which is good to know.

So today, I had some consulting in the morning, really easy, I got the lady to purchase an iPhone since her Nokia was crap. Will get that setup for her when she gets back from vacation in a couple weeks. That'll be cool, I am hoping it works.

I finished up working on the server and setting up the proper permissions. I'll be writing a couple articles on Macintosh-Admin so if you're a geeky Macintosh administrator check it out, it'll be on permissions and VPN.

Today, I'm not doing much else unless I get some more consulting calls. I've scheduled a few appointments for next week so that's good. I might hit up the bike shop that just opened up the block and see if they can change the tire on my bike and if they can I might go for a ride along the back roads. I might go horseback riding because the weather is really nice, or I might just sit down a relax and play some Resident Evil or something.

I've submitted a post on lj_dev to see why they included this chunk of code on the support pages that usually rejects people, I don't know how [info]kratos/[info]cloud got into the support queue haha But I've ripped out the code chunk and inserted my own which seems to be working for the moment.

Have a lovely day everyone!

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2008-04-20 06:28 am UTC (link)
LOL oh I copied the URL from IJ (I think) and the difference is it has a question mark at the end XD I didn't know I'd gotten past some block or something. XD

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2008-04-20 01:21 pm UTC (link)
Haha yeah I think so, but yay for you for hacking the system hahah

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