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◎ c h a r l i e ([info]spinnets) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2012-10-06 17:55:00

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Entry tags:charles spinnet, octavius pepper, owl

Happy Birthday Octavius!!

Tertia Pepper
Quartus Pepper
Quintus Pepper
Nona Pepper
Gebhard Pepper
Nora Peakes
Max Fancourt
Penny Fawcett
Dianna Dobbs + Felix Ackerly
Vinny Gudgeon
Delilah Spinnet + Richard House
Mira Jasper + Derek Dobbs
Tony Chang
Glenda Prewett
Miranda Frobisher + Ralph
Gabriel Corner + Rachel Corner
WWN employees
Maggie Mattias + Adrian Mattias
Rafe Kirke + Erin Kirke
Bertha Jorkins
Jonas Ackerly + Kobe Ackerly
Kendall Broadmoor + Felicia Bulstrode
William Bexley
Isobel MacMillan + Archie MacMillan
Marissa Shimpling
Gaspard Shingleton
Henry Wadcock + Heidi Twilfit
Sophronia Branstone + husband

obviously this isn't a "complete" list but it's a gist ;) Tell me if I forgot someone/should take someone off??

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