His lunch break should be spent eating lunch, not trying out cake. Though, by looks of things, he was going to have his fill of wedding cake and would be terribly sluggish for the rest of the day, and---ergh. At least it was good. Most of it, anyway. Will wasn't having a hard time doing wedding planning, because he and Anneliese, they managed to agree on a lot of things. Plus he wasn't all that interested--well, no, he was interested, but he wasn't that hard to please. If anything, Erin would go out with Anneliese and they'd have their fun, Will trusted his sister to not make things too girly. She always had his best interests in mind.
...who was he kidding, Will went on these things to make sure the hall wasn't decked out in pink and lavender and he was stuck wearing a grotesque set of frilly robes.
"We should just do chocolate and be done with it," he said with an affirmative nod, pointing at the last plate they'd tried. The table seemed to go on for kilometers, and the women trying to sell them the cake was off fixing a catastrophe in the kitchen. Will took a new fork (such a waste of forks, a new one for each cake--) and jabbed the latest piece, pulling a face at the lemon flavor. "Eeearrgh, no."
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