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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-06-07 15:34:00

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Current mood: determined
Entry tags:househunting

List of crap I lust after for house
Yeah, just ignore this. If I put these into bookmarks, they will be lost forever. Now I'm not saying I'm getting ALL of this stuff...think of it as a wishlist. :P

Patio set at Walmart; table w/four chairs

Smaller patio set at Walmart; table w/ two chairs

Toilet handles, you say? That are cool shapes? My word!

Un-standard size oven -- jeez, these things are hard to find. (The oven in our potential new house is not a standard size and is ancient haha)

God knows if we'll have enough room for it, but it doesn't hurt to dream does it. (Oriental screen with cherry blossoms)

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