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brier stebbins :: solicitor ([info]brighten) wrote,
@ 2010-07-28 11:15:00

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[Private to Sarah Darcy] Please don't think this is odd or anything, I have an invitation to a birthday party this weekend. Friday, to be precise. Only it's a party for a one year old, it's apparently everyone in my year with a baby and all their friends so Rory is coming. He's the oldest of the year's kids, but I think there might be a few older ones? I'm not really sure how you feel about a house full of children or anything. Rory isn't really as shy as he seemed, he gets along well with the other children at daycare.

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2010-07-28 03:13 pm UTC (link)
I LOVE KIDS! Yeah, sure! HEE I mean--if that's all right! Well, I guess it's all right since you're inviting me, so!

Hmm, what does a one year old want for their birthday?

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