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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-05-22 21:06:00

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Current mood: disappointed
Current music:Mario Kart Wii in background
Entry tags:househunting

Welp, looks I get to start ALL OVER with house-hunting -- from square one. It fell through -- the listing agent is a dumbass and a weasel and the sellers aren't going to pay for the extensive repairs the roof needs. It's a damned shame. I fell in love with that house too :(

We think that the listing agent is going to try and cheat another person. It's a good thing we found out about all that bullshit and that it's not us. Methinks someone's watching over us. It hit me hard yesterday (I almost cried at my desk), but I think my anger about it has come full-circle.

I promise I'll post a detailed wedding entry this weekend! :)

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