While going to Portugal for the offseason had gotten rid of the problem of the media being around every corner, it had not done much for herself and Adrian's own senses. Maggie was still unsure of where they stood with each other, and it was obvious that Adrian was even worse off, especially with his mother within flooing distance. Since the wedding, she had been refusing to push him, giving him a chance to figure out what he wanted, what he wanted from them, and even with this new baby Maggie hadn't pressured him. Adrian knew that she was a woman who could take care of herself, he had to know that she would accept not being together, but yet he had still invited her to Portugal, they were still in their own way making an effort.
She'd decided, though, that she wasn't going to sit back and 'see what happens,' any longer. Maggie knew she wasn't going to give Adrian an ultimatum of any kind, she didn't need a timeline, she just wanted...she wanted to not be worried about her feelings for him. She wanted to be secure in how she felt.
She also wanted to have sex, and all of these confusing thoughts were inhibiting her greatly. Her son was also causing a bit of a problem with that, as Josef had become obsessed with the beach and dragged Adrian out to the sand the moment he woke. Maggie'd had enough sun for the day and had retired early to the bedroom, and was currently sitting on the bed, still in her dry bathing suit and cover up, drawing in her planner. Her pictures had become letters and the letters became words and names, and soon she had hers and Adrian's and Josef's covering the page.
Maybe some girl names she found pretty too. The door opened but she didn't look up at first, concentrating on perfecting her cursive M's, "He must have passed out if you're back so soon."
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