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Ryan Spector ([info]ryanspector) wrote,
@ 2010-10-26 16:56:00

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Entry tags:flashback

16 years ago

“Get down from there right now!,” Marlene yelled up to 4 year old Ryan.

“No,” He yelled back from up in a tree

She knew something like this was going to happen as soon as she put her heels on. She walked through central park holding Ryan’s hand as they made their way to her work where she had daycare for Ryan set up.

They were about a block away from getting to the museum when Ryan broke free of her grip and went off sprinting and managed to get himself up in a tree out of her reach.

If it weren’t for the fact that this was going to make her late for work and that Ryan was being disobedient she would have to have admitted to was impressed that he had managed to get himself up into the tree like he had.

“I’m going to give you till the count of three to get down from there or you are going to be in big trouble,” Marlene called back up to Ryan though he didn’t say anything.




“I want Daddy,” Ryan said and it was very easy to tell he missed him. Marc probably would have gone up in the tree after him even if he was in the most expensive clothes he owned.

Marlene didn’t say anything for a moment she had hoped she had gotten him over this and now that she knew what this was about she had trouble staying mad at Ryan. She missed Marc as much as Ryan did.

“Daddy not he because he wants to get better for me and especially for you Ryan. He’s doing this because he loves us,” She explained, It was hard to really get into much more detail than that with a four year old even if he was bright like Ryan was.

“But however I can see him or talk to him,” Ryan asked from a lower branch now almost with in her reach.

“Because he’s working so hard to get better and the place he’s at thinks it for the best till he’s made enough progress,” Marlene says before adding, “But I’ll tell you what if you get down right now I’ll see if maybe they’ll let us visit him.”

“OK,” Ryan says getting down to the lowest branch he could, “Ah, Mommy can you catch me?”

“Sure sweetie,” She said getting ready to catch him when he jumped.

“Here I go,” He said as he jumped of the branch into her waiting arms. A bit of laugher and smiles between the both of them before Marlene final lead them both the museum.

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