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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-05-09 21:49:00

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Current mood: optimistic
Entry tags:concerts, music, wedding

Radiohead concert was awesome. Rough start though -- the Ford Amphitheatre reneged on its camera policy and I had to go check it at guest services and the stairs security guards were kinda being douchey.

The opening band? WORST THING EVER. EVER. I wanted to throw things at them. During one song...he sounded like TOWELIE, I shit you not. Cut to three whole minutes of me laughing my ass off and saying Towelie things like "Wanna get high?" in between fits of chortling.

Radiohead more than made up for it though. Awesome light show, and plus they played Just, Exit Music, and The Bends. The whole crowd was entranced and all concerts worth their weight in gold can't go without smelling weed in the air!

Well, my friends, tomorrow morning I'm heading off to Virginia.

When I get back, I'm going to be old and married okay? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOT

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2008-05-10 08:47 am UTC (link)
Ouch on the opening band, but at least Radiohead was awesome! *hugs*

Good luck on all that! If it looks like I've disappeared it's because I'm moving to inksome.com We can talk about it more when you get back, if you'd like to know more. *waves & blows kisses* I hoep it's the perfect day!

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2008-05-14 04:54 am UTC (link)
Aw thanks! :D I'm so stoked...two days before the big day (borrowed my little sister's compy haha)

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2008-05-14 04:58 am UTC (link)
I would be too~ *hugs*

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