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Marissa MacFusty ([info]marridgeback) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2012-01-23 17:26:00

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Entry tags:marissa macfusty, michal conway lynch

It had been a sudden burst of impulse that had led her to write back to a Quidditch player from Falmouth, of all places -- but she was slowly beginning to see that she couldn't just coop herself up at home with the dragons or with her job at the Ministry (which she'd been very lucky to be able to get back after her spotty attendance before her leave of absence, really). It was time for her to move on with her life now that Voldemort really was gone, and the Death Eater activity had significantly decreased for what the world hoped was good.

She chewed absently at her pinky fingernail while she waited for Michal to show up to the diner. She hadn't moved out to her own flat again yet, so going home was out of the question -- and she didn't want him to think that she was some complete nutter from Hebrides right off the bat anyway, even if that was pretty obvious to everyone but her.

Their impromptu pub-date had gone well, she'd thought -- it was certainly clear to her that he probably needed to learn to relax too, whether he'd ever held the ability to and lost it as she had.

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2012-01-29 04:21 am UTC (link)
Marissa's entirely golden hand was fucking awesome, if Michal said so himself. It was a rather accurate representation of her personality, from what he had collected during their last get together, in his opinion. A surprisingly good turn out for unplanned events. He would be the first to admit he had only agreed to meeting a complete stranger to wind up Seth's already tight strings in the moment, but now he found himself... glad? pleased? Pleased that he had.

After forcing the door to the diner open, Michal immediately pushed his sunglasses up off of his face. Spotting Marissa quickly (how could you not?), he made his way over to her. There was just something about redheads, too. "Hey," Michal said with a nod, slipping into the seat next to her. He was on time, wasn't he? Not that he would actually know, he hadn't worn a watch in years.

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2012-01-29 04:40 am UTC (link)
People had offered her prosthetics before, ones that were a little less obstructive than the golden one -- but she hadn't taken them up on it. If she got something that looked more like a hand, she ran the risk of people not noticing it right off the bat. If she had to explain the hand after that, it just seemed like it would be -- more awkward.

She glanced up as he came inside, a smile lighting up her face. It had been a long time since she'd actually been happy to be in a semi-crowded sociaal situation until the other night, but maybe that was because she knew that Michal had been there to piss off his friend. That took a lot of the pressure off of her, so she'd actually been able to just ... have fun. And then he'd wanted to see her again, so it had worked out.

"Hey. You found the place all right, obviously. How're you holding up?" With the last few weeks of the season setting in and all, she wanted to make sure he wasn't overexerting himself.

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