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wadcock ([info]wadcock) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-12-13 23:50:00

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Entry tags:henry wadcock, seth wadcock

Henry >> (backdated to last night?)
Seth was out the door the second after Leanne had fallen asleep for the night. He'd paid the Nanny triple to stay for the night. He just needed to get out of the house and get drunk. Fuck this day. Fuck being responsible. Fuck actually caring and wanting an actual family. And wanting Mira to be a main part of it. He was Seth fucking Wadcock, what was he thinking.

He was more than halfway to the bar he used to go to all the time before, when he stopped. This was probably a terrible idea. Going out drinking, upset and alone was probably the worst thing Seth could do right now. Fuck being sober enough to remember lessons learned and make smart decisions, he thought to himself as he spun on his heel and apparited away.

He knocked on his brother's door hoping that he wasn't interrupting anything important. Not that he really cared, but upsetting his brother's pregnant girlfriend would just top his day off nicely. He knocked again louder when there was no answer. Just as he was about to turn and give up, the door opened. "Thank merlin, you are home. I'm going out to get plastered, and me stopping here to invite you along to make sure I don't do anything too stupid is the last responsible thing I'm doing until tomorrow morning." He said quickly before Henry could ask any questions.

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