Entry eight: Time for a check up.
[Private]It's been one week.
Are we supposed to go back to acting normal, again? Has enough time passed?
I hate this. I hate not knowing what I'm supposed to do, or say. I hate that all of this is happening, and to people I care about. I hate that I'm the one who has to watch it happen, even if I'm not there.
I sound so selfish, though. It's just...I have a gift that can be used for good, but...all it's been used for lately is watching my friends die. What a gift, right? Sometimes it seems more like a curse.
God. This is exhausting.
[/Private][Gabe]Hey there, stranger.
Are you alrig--I haven't really talked to you in a while...
[/Gabe]I've come to realize that I do not mix well with Vodka.
Or, at least not the amount of it I had on Saturday.Gotta learn the hard way, right?
On another note, I'm so excited for school to be over. No school means more time to spend doing things I actually
like to do. I'm sick of writing papers, instead of hanging out with my friends.
Also? Said friends who don't already work with me should definitely stop by my job today, since I'm working 10-6 today.
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