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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2007-10-27 21:26:00

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Current mood: annoyed

Mac OS X Leopard Officially Out!
Last night we held a big OS X Leopard launch party at the South Burlington retail store. It was a lot of fun. I took loads of photos, check out the Small Dog Flickr page to see them.

So, like I said in my last post, I've had Leopard for a few days previous to it's official launch. I got to test it out and play with it before mostly anyone. I installed it on my new Intel iMac and for awhile it worked great. Previous to installing it I was having some issues where my iMac would just lockup. It would only lockup the UI though, the mouse would move, but nothing else functioned. It required a hard reboot.

Now previous to all those issues, I had skimmed over a blog post on TUAW (at least that's what I remember) that talked about issues people were having on the new Intel iMacs. I didn't really pay much attention to the post cause at that time I wasn't experiencing any issues with my iMac (although Emilie was getting some issues, so we added another GB of RAM).

So after Mail crashing a billion times and OS X locking up (with Leopard installed) I finally started to look into the issue, remembering that there were some reported issues with the new iMacs. I found a few threads on the Apple Discussion Boards, and numerous blog postings about the issues.

Apparently it all stems from an update (iMac Software Update 1.1). I think it's got something to do with the graphics card, at least that's why I get those UI lockups. I did run Repair Permissions and Repair Disk and that went fine. I also ran the Apple Hardware Tests (learned that you must hold 'D' while booting off the disk to go into that mode).

So after all this, I have OS X Tiger 10.4.10 installed with NO iMac Software Update 1.1 installed. Hopefully this goes better, and hopefully Apple puts out a proper update that fixes this issue cause it sucks. I really want to use Leopard, but I cannot (at least not on my iMac), cause it was/is really cool. At least I can still have it on my Mac mini, Emilie's iMac and MacBook...

So yeh, that's my computer situation right now.

Today [info]emilie and I went to our usual breakfast and then came home and relaxed for a bit. I worked on Wind Waker, only to get frustrated multiple times. I am pretty much at the end of the game. I am currently collecting the Triforce shard maps. Unfortunately I've learned you need like 3200 rupees to pay the man that deciphers the maps. Some how I missed getting the large wallet so I've had 200 rupees and ONLY that much since the beginning of the game. I've decided that I've beaten the game for all intensive purposes. I'll be moving on to my next game shortly. I've got Phantom Hourglass, Final Fantasy III and Portal in the immediate queue...and like 20 others in the line behind those.

We also went food shopping today. Got lots of goods. Watched some Ratatouille, I do enjoy that movie. Quite fun. Also watched season 1 of Viva La Bam and some of season 2. We're watching South Park right now.

Tomorrow I'm going to try to get some work done for PHP class...I just wish my iMac would work properly with Leopard...

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