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Ryan Spector ([info]ryanspector) wrote,
@ 2010-10-10 02:20:00

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Carolyn Flint

Carolyn Flint

PB: Adrianne Palicki

Adrianne Palicki

Age: 19

History: The daughter of police Detective Flint, Carolyn grew up hearing about costumed vigilantes especially the street level ones both the good and the bad. The Flint family did not have a lot of money but made enough to take care of themselves, because of this Carolyn worked her ass off to get into a good college and get as many scholarships as she could to help pay for it including a rather generous one from the Steve Grant foundation. As sure she is unknowingly going to college with many of the younger generation of heroes. Carolyn wants to be a reporter after she graduates and is already a lead writer in the school newspaper despite being only a sophomore and has recently gotten herself an internship with the Daily Bugle. She is very focused on her goal and doesn’t like distractions.

Abilities: Carolyn is an ok shot and was taught self defense by her father. She is also a very good reporter and is very good at doing the leg work to get her story.

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