Name: Marina Talia Margaret Beauchamps
Residence/Hometown: Granville, NY / NOLA
Age/Birthday: 17. February 18, 1995.
Gender/Sexuality: Female/Bisexual. Out and proud. The way she looks at it she doesn't let gender affect her dating decisions.
PB: Allison Iraheta
Any notable differences from the pb? Marina stands at 5'3". She is athletically built and is in very good physical shape. Being light she does a lot of flying on the cheerleading squad.
She has a very expressive face; her moods are easily visible unless she opts to disguise them. She uses this to her advantage in drama club, but sometimes she's over-expresisve.
She dyes her long, curly hair wild and ridiculous colors. She's currently in a red on top, purple on bottom phase. It's mostly about self-expression and pushing boundaries. She has to condition her hair a lot from all the damage she does to it.
Dresses a bit like someone who listens to Ke$ha; except that she doesn't listen to Ke$ha. Most of her clothing shopping takes place at the Salvation Army. A
pictorial guide to Marina's style.
School/Magic StuffWand: 9 inches. Sturdy. Blue spruce. Hippogriff feather.
House and Year: Hulett, Junior.
Schedule: Core: Charms, DADA, Astronomy. Electives: Language Arts II, Magical Crafting, Cultural Magic, Ritual Magic. Advanced Herbology I.
Strongest subject in school: Anything art related.
Weakest subject in school: Astronomy.
Extracurricular activities: Drama club, Pride club, Art club, Orchestra (viola) and cheerleading.
Boggart and Riddikulus: Up until last summer it was just a pool of darkness and her Riddikulus was a giant flashlight. Since the accident her boggart turns into a fiery car crash. Her new Riddikulus is to change it into a
bathtub Madonna. It might have something to do with her obsession for holy relics and imagery; she's not sure, but she won't knock it because it works every time.
Amortentia smells like: Old spice, dark chocolate oranges, hair dye.
Patronus: A chameleon. Able to shift and change to suit the situation, quite adept at hiding in plain sight.
Animagus Form: None.
Family/RelationshipsImmediate Family: Parents: Irene (nee Barry) and Cornelius Beauchamps (both deceased). Brother, Max (2 years younger). Aunt Kirsty Barry (legal guardian). Kirsty took her and Max in after the accident that killed their parents three years ago. Kirsty was quite a bit younger than her sister (9 years younger) and was only 26 when she was granted legal custody.
Familiar: None.
Any other relations we should know about: She has a great Aunt Charlotte Barry who has been helping to fund her educational costs to attend Dresden, but Charlotte was too old and set in her ways to take in two children, which is why they ended up with Kirsty.
Significant Others: Not sure, but I'm pretty sure she's having secret sex with someone.
Friends: She's one of the theatre crowd and she's also a cheerleader. Marina is essentially friends with everyone.
Enemies: N/A at the moment.
PersonalityLikes: Pop rocks, rainbows, Saturday morning cartoons, playing board games with friends, instrumental music (techno, classical, ambient, jazz),
Slings & Arrows, tv shows that don't make much sense (she adores later seasons of
Space Ghost and all of
The Mighty Boosh, Bath and Body Works.
Dislikes: Dishonesty, rap music, pranks, violence, Lifetime movies, the word "cunt," fancy cheeses (especially blue ones).
Quirks:- Marina took gymnastics classes when she was very little. She's good enough to be ranked, but she won't leave school to train intensively.
- She struggles with lying to her brother, but she can do it in a pinch.
- She loves the Old Spice "man on a horse" commercials and has actually written fanfiction about it.
- Carries a rosary in her backpack, though she doesn't often pray on it. Having it with her is a bit of a reassurance that someone out there is looking out for her.
- She's a horrible cook.
- She used to be terrified of the dark and slept with a nightlight for many years. She would also sleep with a flashlight under her pillow. She can't really explain how the fear went away, but since her parents' deaths she's not afraid of the dark anymore.
- Her creole accent comes out the most when she's really animated, but especially when she's mad.
Secrets: - She might be having secret sex with someone.
- Has taken a mild interest in using substances to reach a higher plane of understanding with god. She hasn't told anyone yet, but she bought a hit of peyote and spent seven hours staring at a picture of the holy mother and meditating on the merits of religious women.
Strengths: Brave. Creative. Independent. She considers her faith to be a strength.
Weaknesses: Secretive, but not very good at keeping other's secrets. Very gossipy. Headstrong (ends up being a weakness more than a strength).
Detailed personality: Marina has always been willing to strike out on her own. She's brave, happy to forge ahead in those situations where others could not. She's smart, but so headstrong that she often turns away from good reason to forge ahead.
She loves talking and sharing stories, even stories that aren't hers to share. She gets herself in a lot of trouble by revealing secrets. She's very expressive when speaking, both in her tone of voice and facial expressions. She talks with her hands too.
She is occasionally given to fits of histrionics, big, public, emotional outbursts. Most of the time she's faking it, whether for attention or to see how people would react even she isn't sure. She is not easy to anger, but when someone has done it they had better be prepared for the holy wrath of Saint Marina. She has a temper that is long fused but explosive.
Personal History:Marina had a happy childhood. Growing up with her family as a loving, close-knit group. She took an interest in gymnastics early and having her childhood free from conventional school she trained competitively until it was time to go to Blue Ridge.
Three years ago Marina and Max were in a tragic car accident with their parents. The front end of the car was crushed, killing their parents as the car set ablaze. Marina managed to get out of her seatbelt and help Max to climb from the car before they were burned alive. Max sustained injuries that makes him dependent on a wheelchair. Marina's gymnastics career was never quite the same after and she lost her national ranking; her aunt is convinced that it's psychosomatic given how good she is when cheerleading.
Aunt Kirsty took the children in, moving them into her home in a rural farmhouse in eastern NY. It took Marina a long time to adjust, removed from her friends and support system besides Max and her aunt. Slowly, she turned her grief into art, focusing her energy on creative endeavors. She also turned to religion, having a particular fascination with the Virgin Mary in Catholicism and other sects that focused on the feminine side of worship.
The children switched schools and Marina found that Dresden was a very good place to deal with her grief, though she lost touch with most of her friends from BR. It was easier for Max given that he's younger.
She's become a bit more secretive in the past year. She still tells Max plenty of things, but nothing about her emerging sexuality or her dabbling with drugs. She isn't sure how he'd feel about either of those things and she doesn't want to risk alienating him.
Other Stuff:What’s in your characters pockets? A clever change purse, a tube of lip smacker, some sort of hair clip.
Dresden Academy
Hulett's Landing, New York
Marina T. M. Beauchamps
Hulett House