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Elspeth Bell ([info]ellsbells) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-04-06 15:05:00

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Entry tags:davy gudgeon, elspeth bell

Davy, bb
She'd gotten to the park at five thirty not because she had been worried about being late, but because she had wanted a little time to think about what exactly she was going to say to Davy when he showed up -- if he showed up. The longer that she sat on the bench and stared out at the pond, the surer she was that he probably wouldn't show up.

It would've been much easier if he didn't for both of them, really. Davy had said that he wasn't able to write her out of his life completely, though. That had been hard for her to hear, even though she wasn't surprised by it. She'd been hoping that he'd started hating her guts and then eventually forgotten about her in the past year or so, but things rarely seemed to go the way she wanted them to. She'd come back to Ian's life in shambles and her parents even madder than she'd thought they were going to be. On top of that, she had to deal with all the guilt that had been building in the pit of her stomach since she'd left. At least Phoebe had been -- well, as wonderful as Phoebe had always been, really. If one of her best friends had been too angry to even speak to her, she'd probably have just crawled back into the Underground.

Ellie sighed, stubbing out the cigarette she'd smoked completely down to the filter on the wood of the bench and tossing it into a bin.

This was going to suck.

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