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Black Forest Mod ([info]blackforestmod) wrote,
@ 2010-12-18 00:45:00

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Entry tags:application


Before filling out the application, please read the Character Creation guide. It is important that you decide if you are making your own character or using one from one of the the many fairy tales. Also, please keep in mind that a character's One Supreme Talent must be unique to each character, though talents can be very similar. It would greatly help for you to describe the talent/power in some detail.

When you're ready, post your application below. Thank you!

OOC:*(On the Second or more Applications, only the name is needed)
[AIM, YIM, MSN, etc.:]

The Basics
[Journal username:]
[Are they a Fairy Tale Character:]
[Story the character is from (if a fairy tale character):] You may provide a link to the story or resources you're taking from, please write out any differences/changes you'd like to make from the original story here.
[Their One Supreme Talent:]
[Are they good, or are they bad, or just undecided:]
[Where do they live:]

[Description:] (Please include a brief description of any differences your character has from the chosen PB.)
[Attire:] (Please include a brief description of the typical attire for your character.)

[Weaknesses:] (Strengths and weaknesses should balance each other as much as possible)

[Detailed Personality:] (Please provide at least two solid paragraphs that detail your character's personality.)

(Give us a biography, any little things not written about in their fairy tale (if they're a fairy tale character), a brief history of your character.)

RP Samples* (on the second or more apps, these samples are not needed)
[RP Sample:] (3rd person. It would be best if you wrote something that could be used as your first post.)

[How Did you find us?]
++Entry Post: All players are expected to make an entry post or RP thread with another character (in the main community, not character journals) within one week of getting accepted to [info]theblackforest as part of the application process.

++Character Profiles: Once you've been accepted, be sure to update your user profiles. There is a generic profile layout that that is set up for your use. Just fill in the requested information. You must put up a profile and post an introduction for yourself and character in [info]blackforestooc in order to complete the application process.

++Character Limits: Generally, players are limited to Four characters in the game. After the player has been established as a strong member of this community, providing plot movements, and exhibiting a good, well-rounded RP style, as well as helping new members adjust to the game’s atmosphere, they may make a formal request to the moderators for two additional characters. This leaves players with a total number of Six characters in [info]theblackforest.

[info]blackforestmod | [info]theblackforest | [info]blackforestooc


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1/2 because I exceeded the character limit? :(
2011-04-12 05:46 pm UTC (link)
[Name:] Cee
[Age:] 19
[Timezone:] PDT
[Email:] ahnkitomi@gmail.com
[AIM, YIM, MSN, etc.:] N/A

The Basics
[Name:] Cassa
[Journal username:]
[Age:] Immortal. She doesn't count years much.
[Are they a Fairy Tale Character:] Yes
[Story the character is from (if a fairy tale character):] Sleeping Beauty, the Wicked Fairy. She's from Phillip's storyline, so his profile should be explanatory.
[Their One Supreme Talent:] Changing into a dragon. She can't do that in the village, though, so her talents are merely the superior speed and strength that leak over from that form, and a limited ability to breathe fire.
[Are they good, or are they bad, or just undecided:] Mad, bad and dangerous to know.
[Where do they live:] She settles in the battlements of the Piper's Castle, being a smug creeper at everybody and trying to figure out a way home.

[PB:] Bridget Regan
[Description:] Tall and statuesque, with clear pale skin, striking blue eyes and a tumble of long dark hair.
[Attire:] She wears long gowns, either dark or white, and she has a flair for drama.

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2/3, never mind!
2011-04-12 05:49 pm UTC (link)
Personality Arrogant, mean, proud and capricious.
[Strengths:] Reading people. Knowing the right way to torment them. Cleverness, a talent for IRL trolling, a powerful malice that tends to make people leery of her and scare of foes. She's generally not petty, though what sense of honour she has is warped to the point of incomprehensibility from an outsider point of view.
[Weaknesses:] She's selfish, spiteful, thoughtless, malevolent, unkind...
[Quirks:] She genuinely enjoys the company of the people she harasses; it's just that getting along with them bores her and she enjoys tormenting them. Someone who was an enemy but an equal who could torment her back would be an endless delight, though she would of course try to kill them.
[Secrets:] She misses flying very badly.

[Detailed Personality:] Cassa is very strong, and very aware of it. She staked her territory and defended it from all comers; her curse on Sleeping Beauty was mostly for the pleasure of spite, a teeny bit retaliation for the insult of not only not inviting her but inviting others onto her territory. She's evil; she enjoys others pain and suffering, and gloats over causing it simply because it delights her.

On her own, she's very self-sufficiently, surprisingly scholarly minded and has a love affair with freedom and the open sky. She enjoys spellwork on a very basic level, constantly collecting grimoires and the like to pore over them into the night (her need for sleep being very limited) in order to absorb new magic. She enjoys the company of natural dragons, imps and other assorted monstrous creatures, but humans and their sentimentality she disdains, despite her own soft spots for bygone beastly companions.

She does not take well to being trapped or confined, but is less displeased with this displacement than she might be otherwise, since the last thing she remembered was dying. That doesn't stop her from trying to make it harder for everyone around her. It wouldn't even be so bad if she could fly, but evidently her dragon shape was deemed (and rightly so) a little too hazardous for other residents and she can no longer change form.

SHE IS A TOTAL SNOB. Magic, architecture, conversation, murder, fashion, alcohol, you name it. Cassa Does It Better or at least knows of some other source that Does It Better, and she's often kind of obvious about it. Insolence offends her, and when she's sometimes casually violent and always verbally cutting.

Cassa was born from a thunderstorm, and she spent her first century in a mad and mindless whirl of delight and destruction, before eventually, as fairies do, settling down to a favoured form and allowing it to shape and influence her conscious. It was originally only a black dragon, and she spent the next hundred years exploring the skies and gratuitously eating people, but eventually she became fascinated with the tiny complexities she began to pay attention to in their world and learned to take on an approximate human shape, which she settled in for the next hundred years.

She's cursed and tormented a hundred princes and princesses before Phillip and his lady and she intends to curse and torment a hundred after. Though she won't admit it to anyone on any pain, being slain was unpleasant as fuck and she doesn't intend to go through it again. She's learned she's not infallible.

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2011-04-12 05:49 pm UTC (link)
RP Samples*
[RP Sample:] The last thing that she remembered was dying.

A pleasant thought. It was one she'd never imagined having to entertain before; the land was hers just as the sky was hers, and the ground quaked beneath her foot when she willed it so, and Kings and Queens cowered before her shadow. She was a fairy; she was a force of nature. There was no amount of screaming and pleading that could save any she chose to give her attention to.

But however you spun it, though she had not gone gentle into that good night, she had gone. She had died.

And when she first woke on the desolate road, at the verge of a crossroads, her first thought was of volcanic rage.

She twitched her shape, reaching for lethal scales and claws, the throat that could emit the roar she yearned to let loose, that could wreak the havoc that would soothe her raging temper. That puny, diminutive, insignificant creature! How dare he! How dare -

She couldn't.

She couldn't change.

And for the first time, a chill sweeping over her, she attended properly to her surroundings.

[How Did you find us?] Through your ad!

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2011-04-16 03:12 pm UTC (link)
Hey, Cee.

First off, let us thank you for your interest in [info]theblackforest, and say that we are really excited to see you come by. However, before we can accept your application, we'd like to see a few revisions done.

First- we've both agreed that we want to see a bit more. Particularly for the descriptions and attire. I understand the desire to be concise, however, we do not want you to rely completely on the PB to describe her. The more details you write, the more you display your grasp of the character.

Second- In regards to the Supreme talent, I am a little confused, to be honest. I have no issue with her being able to turn into a dragon, but then you say she can't become the while retaining the fire breathing, strength and speed. Those should, in that chase, be treated as individual talents and I have to ask that you keep one while discarding the others. But I became even more confused by the end of the personality when you mentioned Magic. Can she use magic? If she can, then she cannot have a supreme talent. Both myself and my co-mod were confused on this matter.

Once you've done this, just tag us back with a link to the revisions. Feel free to post the application in the character's journal for easy.

Thank you!

- Black Forest Mods

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2011-04-12 06:25 pm UTC (link)
[Name:] Cee
[Age:] 19
[Timezone:] PDT
[Email:] ahnkitomi@gmail.com
[AIM, YIM, MSN, etc.:] N/A

The Basics
[Name:] Honesty Willem
[Journal username:] [info]makealiar
[Age:] 21
[Are they a Fairy Tale Character:] No.
[Story the character is from (if a fairy tale character):] N/A
[Their One Supreme Talent:] (from the suggested list) Sneezes when someone lies around him/her
[Are they good, or are they bad, or just undecided:] Undecided. Leaning toward bad.
[Where do they live:] She tentatively stopped in the Castle for now.

[PB:] Elizabeth Harnois
[Description:] She has one missing finger - the ring finger on her left hand.
[Attire:] She tends to wear casual clothing, but her preferences aren't set in stone and she can be pretty vain.

[Strengths:] She's fairly clever, sly and underhanded and humorous. If she does open up to you, she's deathly loyal, though if you turn out to be not so trustworthy she can will turn on you like a spitting snake in rage and betrayal. (In other words, she has a chip on her shoulder about it the size of a cow.)
[Weaknesses:] Sometimes she refuses to tell the truth just for the sake of not telling the truth. She's immature. She's spiteful. She's guarded and disrespectful and reluctant to like anybody, constantly suspicious.
[Quirks:] She dislikes having to just straight up tell the truth! She's contrary as hell (well, clearly) and grumpy and cynical; her personality would probably be better suited to some grizzled old man's body. She hates to be beholden.
[Secrets:] SHE JUST WANTS CUDDLES. *cough* Her isolation isn't by preference but by perceived necessity, and she is lonely. She'll just never admit it. Also, she misses her dog (whom she just calls 'Dog' because someone named Honesty does not have imaginative role models to work from) terribly.

[Detailed Personality:] Honesty is the kind of person whom, unable to tell a lie and always knowing when someone else lied, immediately set about learning every way to not tell the truth but lying. She can dissemble. She can answer questions with questions. She can make leading statements and dance around the topic and imply and hint to her heart's content, as long as she isn't flat out lying. And that's what she does.

She's grumpy, mistrustful, suspicious, cynical and isolated by what she sees as necessity, being leery of trusting anybody. Your best way in to her is humour and complete lack of personal intrusion; she's lonely and she wants to like people, but pushing or trying for friendship creates AUTOMATIC RECOIL EFFECT. She has a warm sense of humour, though, and she does like to laugh, though sometimes the humour can be rude and a little unkind.

If she likes you, or if you do something to dispose yourself kindly to her, or just if she doesn't like the look of the other guy, she will step in for you and slug it out to last. She is deathly loyal once you're her friend, and she can be argumentative and doesn't hesitate to pick a fight with somebody shifty looking.

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2011-04-12 06:25 pm UTC (link)

She was born a woodcutter's daughter in the woods, and she grew up in the forest until her sister married a Nobleman and they moved to the city to be cared for by her husband. If she had a fairytale life, it quickly turned into an older one; the father of her brother in law took a liking to her, and intended to wed her himself when her family died in a carriage accident. To prevent her from running away, he placed an enchanted ring on her finger that told him where she was; Honesty talked her way out of the house, cut her finger off, and ran.

On the road she encountered a mangy cur that could talk and promised her he would provide for her if she gave him a bite to eat. Honesty, ravenous herself due to being locked in her room with no meals, gave him her severed finger, from which she had removed the ring.

He took her to a mill wherein a ghost stayed every night and told her that if she could vanquish the creature, she could obtain the riches buried beneath the floor. Since she had fed him with her own blood and bone, he would stay with her and aid her against the spectre.

The ghost came three nights, and each night Honesty fended it off. The first night it came moaning to her of love fit to wrench the soul and cause a man to die of a broken heart; Honesty answered steadfastly, "my father's love for me was of the flesh and blood; what use for love have I?" The second night it came crying of loss fit to cause a man to step from the top of the mill to end the suffering; Honesty answered faithfully, "all those I loved and held dear I have lost already" though as the night bore only only the mutt's warm side kept her from climbing the ladder. The third night the ghost came hissing of sacrifice, fit to make a man cut his own throat to prove himself, Honesty answered patiently, "I have cleaved free my own finger for freedom, which has no price and no worth to man."

And then the ghost was gone and Honesty and the talking cur dug up the treasure and lived out rich lives - up until this point.

RP Samples*
[RP Sample:] When she woke up from the haunting drift of the song - though she hadn't slept, she was sure of it, only taken a step aside to better catch the tune - the mutt was no longer at her side.

She turned in slow circles, calling for him; her own displacement was not nearly so urgent as his lack. He had not left her side - sleeping together, eating together, even bathing together to his chagrin - for going on six months now, and his loss made her feel unsettled, uncertain and on edge.

"Dog!" She called, and could not decide in which direction to take the road; which would lead back to where she came from? Which would lead her back to her companion? And who, in this latest dangerous puzzle of her life, had taken her from where she walked and left her here alone. It was not a trick her dearest stepfather would have entertained, and she had a knife in her skirts for him besides.

Picking one road at random she began to walk, calling out periodically for the animal.

[How Did you find us?] The ad!

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2011-04-16 03:26 pm UTC (link)
Like the other application, at this time we'd like to see some revisions done before we can accept this application.

First among these, as will Cassa, we've both agreed that we want to see a bit more. Particularly for the descriptions and attire. I know she has one missing finger, but is that all? Does she walk funny, does she dress a certain way? How many layers of clothing does she wear, etc. The more the better.

Secondly we are a bit concerned at how similar Honesty is to Cassa. We'd like to see you define this character, and give her a bit more of her own personality. We do not need you to completely rewrite her, but if you could give her a bit more 'umph' that would be great!

Lastly, Honesty's history has a lot of ideas crammed into a rather short, rushed story. It gives us very few details on what shaped her, and how it all led to her being this mistrusted and suspicious of everyone around her. Since she is an original character, her history is much more important than a character's from a story, and as such we need to know more details. If you could flesh it out, and perhaps narrow down the focus of the story, it would be a great help to us in coming to understand her character more.

Like Cassa's application, feel free send us a link to the revisions when you've completed them.

Thank you again,

- Black Forest Mods

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