19 February 2008 @ 03:14 pm
Geek love  
The whole Stephen Colbert/Conan O'Brien/Jon Stewart thing has got to be a sign that somebody up there loves geeks like me.

It was so surreal seeing the 3 late night hosts that I love more than any others not only in the same room, but pulling countless shenannigans together, and ending it all with the most epic dorkfight I've ever seen.

Ohhh man. Icons of that to come. I'm still stunned from the sheer abount of awesomeness and squee and hilarity. Ouch.
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[info]cosmicdesign on February 20th, 2008 05:38 am (UTC)
Whaa? Where was this?
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Sacred: Sakura test 3[info]sacred on February 22nd, 2008 01:14 am (UTC)
On like, all three of their shows. The deal was, I guess they got together and planned this huge feud to waste time during the writer's strike.

Ok, this is confusing, so BEAR WITH ME (like bear. ror.)

Ok so basically, Mike Huckabee got way more popular after appearing on The Colbert Report (the 'Colbert bump', as it's called). So by this, Colbert says that he made Huckabee. This was the general consensus until Conan shows in his monologue that Chuck Norris supports Huckabee. And since Conan had the Walter (..lmao, best typo ever between 'walker' and 'texas' -- WALKER), Texas Ranger Lever some time ago that made Chuck Norris super famous again (before the intarwebs did), by Conan's logic, Conan made Norris who supports Huckabee, therefore Conan made Huckabee.

It basically goes ON LIKE THAT FOREVER. Like so:

Colbert made Huckabee

Conan made Norris who Made Huckabee, so Conan made Huckabee

Conan made Colbert (as "proven" by a clip of Colbert on Conan's show ages ago)

Jon Stewart made Conan (as "proven" by a clip of Conan on some show that I can't remember the name of that Stewart used to host on MTV)

Then Conan pulls out of his ass that HE WAS THE DOCTOR THAT DELIVERED JON STEWART AND STEPHEN COLBERT via the best and worst Photoshop ever. This is clearly a God-mod. But he basically says "I don't want to hear anything else about it, and if one of them says ONE WORD I will kick some Comedy Central ass"

Yeah, so Colbert goes to Stewart and tells him about it XDD So Conan comes to The Daily Show first and they're all like YEAH LET'S GO YOU'RE GOING DOWN (save for Stewart who goes for asthma medicine, as he is playing the part of frightened jewish schoolboy), but they all have shows to do, so seriously, every commercial break for the rest of the Daily Show was Colbert and Conan awkwardly hanging out outside the door to the Daily Show, waiting for it to be over so they can fight.

But THEN The Colbert Report is on. So then every commercial for The Colbert Report is kicked off by Stewart and Conan having an awkward wait outside (this was the funniest XD to hear Jon Stewart say that if you hit him in the face he will cry like a seven-year-old...you can't get better than that). So after COLBERT'S show is done, Colbert and Stewart go to find Conan, who is gone to do HIS show.

It ends up that Colbert and Stewart bust into Conan's show, and they have THE SINGLE MOST EPIC DORKFIGHT THAT HAS EVER EXISTED IN CREATION EVER. Seriously, YouTube it now.

Everything in life is full of love and squee when you see that XDD
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[info]cosmicdesign on February 23rd, 2008 06:55 am (UTC)
OH man. That is SO getting Youtubed.
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