Very purposefully not on Valentine's Day
The thing about Valentine's Day was that it was general catered to clearly defined relationships that came with easy labels. What he had with Sarah was...a lot more complicated than that. And in the year since the last day before valentines, it had changed even more. Back then it had been heavy, and suggestive, flirting but it hadn't gone further, he'd held himself back. Back in the days when he actually seemed to have self control around her. That really did seem like a long time ago.
So this year he'd pointedly not picked Valentine's day as the day to do this, instead opting for the day before and a similar plan of teasing her like he'd done at that party with the notes.
Tracking her on her nightly rooftop stroll, Robin put his plan into action.
In the not-so-far distance, the Fox would be able to see the distinct shadow of the scalloped cape flapping in the night. It stays long enough to catch her attention before jumping off the ledge and making it's way off.
Your turn to chase Foxy.
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