Current mood: | nostalgic |
Well got another little chibi done - Luna suggested Jude and since I haven't drawn him much at all I said to myself why not. He looks very amusing to me.
Also went out for a ride and well, we have heavy winds here which wore me out, but it was still over 20 minutes I think, so yay for that. I'm going to try and go out again later.
Ooo, I think the mail just came. Probably should go get it and check on my bike again, I wish there was a better place to put it. Awww, nothing for me today. Oh well.
Still windy! XD I'm just hearing it well, blowing against the trees and the house, not a lot of sounds going on right now, it's interesting.
Anyone watch Phelous? I've been catching up on his shows, and got through about 1/3 of his Silent Hill let's play, that's interesting.
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