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スタースクリーム ([info]starscream) wrote,
@ 2008-11-03 18:54:00

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Current mood: yawwwwwwn

I am mentally preparing myself to watch The Thing lol. So I am eating dinner beforehand instead of watching it as I eat. It's old 80's (79?) special effects, so everything is obviously fake/not as realistic as now, but it's a risk I will not take haha. I was actually going to take a nap, get back up, watch it then go back to bed, lol. My God all this work around to watch a movie. I am terribly lazy like that. Well, it's due back tomorrow, so I wanna get it done now.

Tomorrow is voting daaaay. I will be going at lunch time. Hopefully the line is not hella long. I don't want to be standing outside for too long, not when I have work to do and it's so warm still. It'd be nice if Arizona had seasons.

Closing entry, just the draggies. I think my cousin's blue only needs a couple more clicks and will mature tonight. I've noticed the pattern (oh god sad.) So, yeah, clickies would be helpful. I want rares, man. ;m;

Adopt one today!Adopt one today! <-- hoping for light Adopt one today!

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