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wadcock ([info]wadcock) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-04-15 19:33:00

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Entry tags:odette boot, seth wadcock

Seth was so so so glad he had decided to take Leanne to a muggle park for a picnic, because it was quickly turned into a tea party, and he found him self unable to say no to her.

"Princess, this is for you to wear." he said putting the pink boa back around her shoulders.

"No! Your turn be prisess." she said pushing the boa back on Seth's shoulders and pulling off her crown to put on his head. Seth scowled the second she turned around to retrieve her teacup. Last time he ever bought her something cute and pink, but had a big grin pasted back on his face by the time she turned back around to give him her teacup.

"Why thank you dear. Such a sweet heart. Must get that from your mother."

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2010-04-15 11:48 pm UTC (link)
Odette held onto Terry's hand tightly as they walked down one of the many main paths in the park. Of course, that included stopping every other minute when Terry tugged to be picked up or stopped to look at something especially interesting, but she didn't mind the delay. They had no real destination in the first place, not to mention it was a beautiful day out, which had in fact prompted her decide on a park visit earlier this morning.

Coming to Montrose had absolutely nothing to do with her desperate desire to get out of the house. Nope, not at all. Nothing to do with anything concerning the impending future.

"Bug! Bug!" Terry began to point adamantly below at her feet, and Odette stopped before she stepped on anything worth inspecting. Bending down, however, was starting to become undoable, prohibiting her from crouching down to his level. It could no longer be denied; yes, she was pregnant. Hiding it wasn't even worth the attempt, but fortunately there was a little something she liked to call denial and muggles that really still worked well together to help with that.

"A lady bug! That's good luck," she nodded and smiled at him as he reached his hand up as high as he could for her. "Let's go find more!" With nothing less than an affirmative nod, Terry turned and sprinted toward the large patch of grass next to the path they were on. Quickly scanning the area as she walked to catch up with him, Odette noticed that there wasn't anyone else here, except---

"Terry!" Odette hissed feebly behind him as she realized Seth and his daughter were here... having tea. Well. That was harmless, wasn't it? She and Seth were on better terms than usual, so there was no reason to go and ruin it-- despite the fact he was wearing a tiara in public. Just a coincidence, that was all. Choosing to leave them alone, Odette slowly followed after Terry, one of her hands resting on her stomach as she walked.

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2010-04-17 02:57 pm UTC (link)
"Kid! Play!" Leanne had spotted Terry and immediately got up to chase after him.

"Oh come on." Seth muttered snatching the tiara off his head and tossed on the ground before getting up. Leanne had already caught up with the other little boy by the time he stood up to follow. What is with her and having to run off to any other kid in the general area. Oh and look it was the Boot kid. Which meant that Noah was around in the general area. Joy. He threw his hand up giving up sitting back down watching the two play. It wouldn't hurt anything, at most it would annoy Noah and that was always a plus.

"Have fun dear, don't do anything I wouldn't do." he yelled after her. He'd definitely have to think of something else to say once she got older because that was not going to work. "Don't worry about your dad, sitting here all alone." She was probably a little young to understand guilt trips to.

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2010-04-17 07:47 pm UTC (link)
Odette bit her lip back as she watched Leanne jump up from to race to Terry. Was there some unwritten code that kids understood and adults? Noah had mentioned Leanne and Terry having a very... unique response to each other, but Odette had just brushed it off as children simply liking to play with each other. And, of course, the negative emotions Seth and Noah had for each other. But now that she saw it in action, it was a bit strange to see the two together.

Absentmindedly she continued to rub her stomach as she walked. Well. She supposed she could go over and talk to Seth now. They had been on better terms than usual, and it wasn't exactly like acting civil to each other in public was a bad thing. Plus, the last thing she needed was giving him the opportunity to think she was a bad mother just not paying attention at all to her-- child.

Taking a deep breath, Odette dropped her hand from her stomach to run it through her hair. Approaching Seth from behind, a slight smile appeared on her lips as she looked down at him. "You mean you don't want to wear the sparkling crown? I'm shocked."

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2010-04-18 03:31 am UTC (link)
Seth half scowled half pouted up at Odette. "You mean you are pregnant? I'm shocked." he mocked rolling his eyes. "Oh sorry, I thought we were being shocked at the obvious." At least with Odette, the chances of this ending in a fight reduced drastically.

He got up and fetched the blanket, moving it closer to where the kids were playing. "Don't look at me like that. Do you wanna sit down or not?" he said after he held a hand out to her. It couldn't be easy getting up and down like that. He then pulled out a beer and a juice box from the basket he had with him. "I also have sandwichs and grapes if you're hungry. I was a little over zealous with packing food." He tossed Odette the juice before settling down on the grass next to the blanket. It was big enough for him to share with his daughter but he'd probably be pushing his luck if he tried to sit that close to Odette. Especially if Noah was lurking about.

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2010-04-18 05:02 pm UTC (link)
Nothing short of an aggravated frown formed on Odette's face at the mention of her pregnancy. She had tried to be nice about how ridiculous he looked, the least he could have done was commented on something else. Like, the fact, that she was out, in public, talking to him with children running around. That was a very big departure from anything logical, most people would say.

Her lips pressed together tighter, however, once he held out his hand for her. If she sat down, that meant she was acknowledging the fact that they (she and Terry) would be her longer than simple etiquette required. And, well--- glancing over, she watched as Terry and Leanne planted themselves in the grass, apparently taking to find more fun things. Which means that they probably would be here for a while.

Odette blinked slowly as she quickly analyzed this situation. There was nothing wrong with sitting on a blanket. Her feet had begun to hurt. And Seth had moved off onto the grass to give her space. This act, while small, did push her verdict into a positive decision. Taking Seth's hand, Odette lowered herself to the ground as smoothly as possible.

"Thank you," she responded, genuinely impressed with his behavior. For the time being, at least. Odette held the drink in her hands, wrapping her fingers around it completely. "So."

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2010-05-27 04:02 am UTC (link)
"So." he repeated not really sure where to go from here. Previously he'd make an inappropriate joke right about now or say something to purposely get a rise out of her, but he was trying the whole 'behaving' strategy now, (he did want his captaincy back at some point, this time with the support of his team) and it left him at a bit of a loss.

"She turns two in a month, and I think that freaks me out just a bit." he said casually, figuring that Leanne was a safe topic. He took a long drag of his beer.

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