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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-02-10 22:23:00

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Current mood: bored
Current music:"Starfuckers Inc" - Nine Inch Nails
Entry tags:lifestyle, work

My hours are cut next week. I'm kinda miffed about that.

All this wedding crap stresses me out. Boy am I absolutely thrilled I have to spend a Saturday at some "retreat" a hour out of our way for ten hours as part of getting married in the Catholic church. I am absolutely ecstatic! Can't you see the pure elation on my face?

I feel like I don't get out and do enough. I've got winter flab. I'm bored.

Ahhhh, welcome to Seasonal Affective Disorder, where, even in Florida, it can strike.

What I do look forward to (so as to make this post not completely angsty):

Warmer weather. I look forward to swimming and sitting out in the sun for hours at a time with my feet in the pool, ipod on, and the sun radiating down on me. (I wear sunscreen, don't worry.)

for the wedding to be over and done with so we can focus on our lives rather than who is going to sit where, what color is such-and-such and all of that awful jazz.

The State Fair in a couple of days, so I can get my yearly intake of fair food and to laugh at all of the rednecks in their high fashion (redneck high fashion is outdated trends from two to four years ago, plus lots of camo and Confederate flags and Big Dog). Plus, going to the State Fair is like watching Discovery Health's shows on obesity cause goddamn there are a ton of GIGANTIC people there. Oh, Redneck Fashion Week.

Finally discovering a good Indian restaurant here. (A girl can dream you know.)

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