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[Feb. 15th, 2009|12:49 am]
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[A Bit of the Old Ludwig Van |The Lonely Island - Space Olympics]

Friday the 13th is my second favorite slasher franchise, behind Halloween (obviously. I have Michael Myers tattooed on my arm lol). However, it was the first of the big three that I saw (Ft13th, Halloween, and Nightmare On Elm Street). I think the first one of the series I saw was Friday the 13th part 3, on some movie channel when I was like, 14. I made an effort to go out and see the rest, some with good results, others with terrible results.

So here's an analysis of the series in my eyes.

Friday the 13th was, and still is, a pretty solid slasher film, obviously helping to establish the genre, along with Halloween and the lesser known Black Christmas, which is equally amazing. The general mystique and mystery of the film are genre defining, even though the mostly borrowed from the Italian giallo genre, which was essentially shots of the murders/victims from the killer's point of view. Even though it's not my favorite of the series, I seriously appreciate everything it did for the genre. The lack of Jason, even with the cool ending to the film, was a little disappointing, but Betsy Palmer did a pretty good job as the psychotic mother of "poor little Jason", embarking on a bloody trail of revenge on the camp counselors who cost her her (albeit deformed, creepy looking) son. And KEVIN BACON IS IN THIS FUCKIN MOVIE! He plays a camp counselor who gets an arrow through his throat from under a hammock.

Friday the 13th finally brought us good ol' Jason, in all his deranged, mountain man glory. Lol seriously, the shot of him at the end of the movie without that rape sack on his head makes him look like the deformed cousin of the dudes from Deliverance. The opening shots are a nice continuity nod to the last film, as it features the "last girl" from the first one (last girl being the term for the one girl who obviously, manages to survive through one or more horror movies, usually established in the beginning of the film) being picked off by an unseen assailant (obviously Jason) for the death of his mother. This movie also continues the tradition (that would shortly be ended) of the crazy old man, warning the teens of danger. Fuck. This sounds like a god damn Scooby Doo episode.  The one in this movie gets killed off in short order, getting piano wired from around a tree. Best kill of the film is the death of the handicapped kid.... Oh god, I'm a horrible human being, aren't I? Either way. The kid in the wheelchair gets a machete in the face, then falls backwards down like, 50 stairs. The aforementioned rape sack is hilarious, as well. Since any fan of the series knows Jason doesn't get the iconic hockey mask until the third film (and even then, it's not like it's some historic moment... I guess the filmmakers didn't think the series would be going much longer than the next film, the then-appropriately titled Final Chapter), he instead lurks around with a pillowcase on his head. Think the Strangers, just... without the smiley face thingy. And only one eyehole.

And so 3 came around, which is one of my favorites, despite being incredibly cheesy and LAME.The 3D effects (and you can tell where they were supposed to be on the DVD)  are so lame it's unbelieveable. But the deaths are all really good. Well. Not all of them. But some. Like the girl getting a harpoon shot through her eye. And the guy getting his head squeezed so hard his eye pops out. In 3D. And you can seriously tell it's a puppet head. Good job, 80's horror makeup.But onto the hockey mask. In on scene, the practical joker is seen wearing it, and when he gets shot down by his crush, he wanders off, and runs into Jason (offscreen) and gets his throat cut. Everyone thinks he's joking, and Jason just steals his mask, and shows up wearing it. Lolwut. They also try give Jason a little more backstory, as this girl vividly remembers being chased through the woods and attacked by a deformed, hideous man (our buddy Jason), and then her parents waking her up later at home. So.... Jason raped her. That's the only conclusion I can think of. Why not kill her if she's passed out? Best kill: some kid wandering around, walking on his hands, runs into Jason. Jason splits him in half. Probably nuts first. Ouch.

Part Four marks the series debut of COREY FUCKIN FELDMAN! Even though he's only in the movie for this one and the beginning of.... 5 or 6. I think 5. Yeah. I haven't watched this one in a while, so my memory is a little rusty.  
I ran out of things to talk about. Maybe I'll go watch a couple of them and refresh my memory. I'll finish this tomorrow.


[User Picture]From: [info]freebird
2009-02-15 03:55 pm (UTC)


haha <3 corey feldman hahha. dude idek. i wanna watch those now but i dont think i could seriously write a report on a 80's horror film though. not in a serious manner. i love em, but some stuff is like you said "lolwut".