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Wicked Tales ([info]wicked_tales) wrote,
@ 2011-03-16 07:17:00

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The Pied Piper
He pipes
You follow...

Name: The Pied Piper, often known as Mr. Piper. His first name is something he rarely reveals.

Story: The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Age: He looks to be in his mid 30's, but he's been made relatively immortal by the strength of his story.

Gender/Preference: Male. He's strictly straight, but if he continues to not get laid he may just go for any offers.

Appearance: PB: Damian Lewis

Red hair, blue eyes. He's in good shape and typically well dressed (trying to rid himself of the image of piebald tights). He always has some sort of musical pipe in his pocket, lately it's been a harmonica. He has several small pipes of variety tucked into his bag.

Personality: Fun loving, funny. He has a great sense of humor. He is easy to get along with when he's not being whiny about his romantic prospects.

Strengths: His musical talent and ability to charm any creature to follow him when he plays. His sense of humor is also a strength that he uses to keep himself afloat.

Weaknesses: Once he stops playing the creatures stop following. The only creature that never leaves him alone are rats. He has a tendency to be very emo about his lack of a love life.

Quirks: Often fought in wars as a soldier to pass the time; he retained many of his skills though he no longer practices the art of war.

Secrets: Did horrible things in WWII; he won't talk about it and he disavows ever being a German.

Skills & Abilities: He is well traveled and can survive off the land, setting up camp where ere he might.

Supernatural abilities: Obviously his piping skills. He can play almost any sort of woodwind instrument or horn, though he is not so proud that he doesn't practice. He writes little tunes that can be played circularly. Each song has a different target audience; his mood also influences the outcome of his songs. While he's playing he can influence a targeted group to follow him.

History: His piping skills went back many years. His family had a talent for charms and music; when combined it was magic. Mr. Piper had been trained by his father for many vigorous hours and taught all of the tunes to charm creatures big and small alike.

Piper (as we shall call him since he hates to reveal his first name for embarrassment) was very much like his father. He liked to help people and employed his skills as such, aiding commoner and king alike for fair payments in exchange, enough money to buy food and drink, perhaps to patch or hem his motley clothes (a fashion statement he regrets to this day).

Hamelin was not the first town to ever stiff him on due payment, but it was the first where he was angry enough to do something about it. He led the children from the village most happily to the shock and dismay of those who would not pay up. The legend here is told in several ways. Some say that he led the children to a cave where they were never seen again. Some say that he led the children home on condition that he receive his due payment. For the Piper the tale is not simple. He did lead the children into a remote area of the woods, but once his pipe ceased to make music the children knew that they were lost and a long way from home. Mr. Piper was never so good with children that he knew how to care for them and standing in the woods he was having a serious quandary. His morals told him to bring the children home, but he was still angry and quite hungry. His stomach growling he walked from the woods, leaving the children to whatever fate might claim them. He simply couldn't care after the ordeals of the day.

He often traveled along rivers and found his way back to the river where he had led the rats. It was his father's practice to show no mercy on the vermin he led from towns. The Piper was doing only as he had been taught. Standing at the edge of the river was a very large rat on his hind legs, a crooked crown resting over one of his ears. "You killed my people," the rat said coldly.

"Your people invaded a human town. They had no right."

"You are not judge and jury little piping man," the Rat King accused, for that was who he was.

"No indeed. I am only someone who helps humans in distress."

The Rat King smiled, a strange and grim thing to see on any creature's face. "You will be hard pressed to find any human who will tolerate you now."

Mr. Piper did not know what the Rat King meant, but later that night he discovered the truth. He had been cursed for his part in the deaths of so many rats and rodents before, perhaps for his abandonment of the children in some karmic way. The Pied Piper of Hamelin had been cursed to forever be followed by rats. Sometimes only one single rat followed him, but more often than not it was more than that. He could kill them all, drowning, poison, traps, it didn't matter; the rats would still follow as if attracted by some supernatural force.

Since that moment he has been careful with his disposal of beasts and rodents, often leading them to more verdant pastures. Sometimes he even sides with the creatures and leads whole towns of humans away so that the beasts have free reign over the former lands. He tired of the human world, never aging in his fairy tale status, something that had taken him a long time to come to grips with. All because of Hamelin, a town he hated more every day. When he heard news of Haven through the fairy tale grapevine he thought that it might be time to leave the human world altogether.

He wanders Haven seeking companions and someone who might just tolerate his rats.

Anything else we should know:

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