Have we really sunk this low??!?
Below is what LA Late currently has posted on their site. Have we really become so pathetic that we actually support this garbage? Talk about kicking someone when they're down! You can comment the story on their website at
http://news.lalate.com/Owen Wilson - Less of a man than Lindsay Lohan (from LA Late website)
'Owen Wilson yesterday allegedly according to reports overdosed and attempted suicide. So what type of statement does Wilson release today? One that fails to mention any cause of his medical condition. Give us a break, Owen!
If Owen Wilson did have a traumatic incident from drugs Sunday, and can't man up and admit it, maybe he could learn a lesson from Lindsay Lohan from the book of admission.
Compare Wilson's vague statement today to Lohan's statement earlier this month regarding her drug relapse.
Owen Wilson: "I respectfully ask that the media allow me to receive care and heal in private during this difficult time."
Lindsay Lohan: "It is clear to me that my life has become completely unmanageable because I am addicted to alcohol and drugs. Recently, I relapsed and did things for which I am ashamed….. Luckily, I am not alone in my daily struggle and I know that people like me have succeeded. Maybe with time it will become easier. I hope so."
If Wilson suffered a drug incident, relapse, suicide or anything similar, and can't admit it, he needs to learn that fans are much more forgiving of someone who admits their mistakes and corrects it, than an actor who tells everyone to stay away when something goes wrong because he doesn't want negative publicity.'
Are you kidding me? Who the hell do these losers think they are?
I commented... who knows if they will even post it on the site. It says 'awaiting moderation'. In any case, here is what I sent them. We'll see if they're "man enough" to display it ;)
"I think it's disgusting how the American public believes they're automatically entitled to the gruesome details of someone else's personal life simply because they are a celebrity. If I had just overdosed (intentionally, or otherwise) on drugs and almost perished, I don't think I'd be worried about a prepared statement for the salivating media awaiting me outside the hospital. Forgive him for placing his care and recovery as a higher priority than how he can 'spin' his recent misfortune. Perhaps, (dare I say it) he simply doesn't care what ambulance-chasing paparazzi think about him? I'd say that makes him MORE of a man, and you less of one for running this idiotic story in the first place."
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