Dresden Academy Faculty

Elective Staff I

Elective Staff I

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Elective Staff
Jaime Hernandez
Language I, II, III

Likes to hang out with Crinshlow and Smith behind the herbology labs. Knows more languages than you can shake a stick at.
Marianne LaForte
Runs Choir and Orchestra

A bit of a free spirit. She accidentally flirts with her male students.
Clive Montgomery
Spell Theory
Oversees the Honor Society

Doesn't have a sense of humor. He takes his classroom very seriously.
Pete Rosenthal
Art/Magical Crafting
House parent for Hudson, supervises photography club

Whacky, fun, artistic type. He rules his house with an open hand and is given to fits of feng shui (rearranging all the furniture he can get his hands on and charming the walls to change their paint color every other day).
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