Who: Ginny Weasley, Marcus Flint and George Weasley.
What: "Grumpy meet Ginny... Ginny meet Grumpy..."
Where: Hogsmeade - 3 Broomsticks & Honeydukes
When: Sunday 5th Feb.
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete
Hogsmeade rarely ever changed dramatically. Sure, there were little things, like a new store opening or the different seasons that passed through the village. But the fundamentals were always there and one particular staple was the Three Broomsticks.
George sat in one of the corner booths near to the fire but not close enough that he melted, drinking a Butterbeer and smirking at the names carved in the table he sat at. He remembered the look on Madam Rosmerta's face when she had found that George had defaced one of her tables with Fred's and his names just to prove to a group of Slytherins in fourth year that the table did belong to them and did indeed have their names on it. Funny how times had changed and he was now sitting with a Slytherin, not bothered at all the 'snake' was at 'his' table.
The group started off with both Twins and Marcus Flint, but something in Zonko's had caught Fred's eye and George wasn't going to begrudge his Twin a chance to check on what 'the enemy' was selling. Now it was just George and Marcus in the Three Broomsticks waiting for the youngest Weasley sibling to arrive.
"Relax," He leant close to Marcus, dropping a hand beneath the table and touching the other man's thigh. His tone was calming yet had a light joking quality about it. "Even though she thinks you have a nice arse, she is not going to jump you in a room full of people."
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