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Callidora Ismene Black ([info]callidora) wrote,
@ 2008-02-20 09:50:00

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I'm so scared for her, Charis.

I know it's not about me. I'm only scared, Ced. For you. And I'm going to miss you so much.

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2008-02-21 09:34 am UTC (link)
I know.

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2008-02-23 11:39 pm UTC (link)
Cedrella is the most capable of women.

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2008-02-24 03:19 am UTC (link)
Charis. Could you please, for five minutes, consider the possibility that Ced isn't actually infallible? Please? I need you to not dismiss my fears like this, please.

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2008-02-28 05:55 am UTC (link)
I never have, nor will I ever, dismiss your fears, my dearest sister. Ceddy is not infallible, she is flawed, just like you or I. However, Cedrella is full to the brim with the qualities of a brave and able young woman.

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