Who: Marcus Flint and Dominic Montague
What: Well, family stuff, it's likely to be awkward.
Where: St. Mungo's
When: Sunday 29th Jan (backdated)
Rating: Erm PG?
Status: Incomplete
Marcus wasn't fond of St. Mungo's. The last time he had been there; he'd had a punctured lung. This time as a visitor, he didn't feel much more at ease. Finding himself outside the building almost as soon as he'd read Min's last message, Flint pushed his way through the inevitable crowd in the waiting area and headed upstairs. Spell Damage didn't sound good. What could have happened to have his cousin up there? A million and one things seemed to flash through his mind, none of them good. Min had seemed healthy the last time Marcus had seen him, shouting at teammates as they'd blamed the 'fledgeling' for their defeat. Which lead him to think that it was a family member, either his Aunt or Uncle, that was sick.
Arriving at the correct ward, he paused outside the half closed door and lightly tapped on it before peering round into the room. Dominic and Aunt Acacia were beside the bed.... it was his Uncle who was ill. His Mother's only brother.
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