July 6th, 2008

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05:11 pm
Hey Nick... did we break up again?

Because that was a pretty lonely picture of you in the tattler. And, I must say... not the best I've seen you look.

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[User Picture]
Date:July 6th, 2008 10:35 pm (UTC)
How are you so stupid?
[User Picture]
Date:July 6th, 2008 10:49 pm (UTC)
Stupid but not single. Haha.
[User Picture]
Date:July 6th, 2008 10:51 pm (UTC)
Fucker Stupid and soon-to-be-single, you mean.
[User Picture]
Date:July 6th, 2008 10:53 pm (UTC)
Yea, you'd just love that, wouldn't you?

I think she's getting used to my sense of humor.
[User Picture]
Date:July 7th, 2008 02:16 am (UTC)
Actually, I think the question is---how did you come how so much smarter than him?
[User Picture]
Date:July 7th, 2008 02:34 am (UTC)
I managed to realize at an early age that allowing speeding metal balls to ram me in the head was counterproductive.
[User Picture]
Date:July 7th, 2008 02:36 am (UTC)
You couldn't have tried to teach him that, could you?
[User Picture]
Date:July 7th, 2008 02:43 am (UTC)
Seeing as he was the one hurling the metal balls at my head, I was kind of reluctant to give him any sort of advice. Or get near him at all.
[User Picture]
Date:July 7th, 2008 02:15 am (UTC)
I should hurt you.
[User Picture]
Date:July 7th, 2008 02:31 am (UTC)
C'mon, I'm just saying! A little lipstick, do your hair or something...

...I'm sure however it was that I dumped you, it was very nice and civil. There's no need to let yourself go like that.
[User Picture]
Date:July 7th, 2008 02:34 am (UTC)
Okay, correction: I am going to hurt you, and if you don't want me to break up with you, you're going to stop talking before I get to the point of 'I will strangle you.'
[User Picture]
Date:July 7th, 2008 02:37 am (UTC)

I mean.

Not cool.
[User Picture]
Date:July 8th, 2008 02:55 am (UTC)
No, no. You can laugh. I know I'm hillarious.
[User Picture]
Date:July 7th, 2008 08:09 pm (UTC)
Now what did you do?
[User Picture]
Date:July 8th, 2008 02:54 am (UTC)
I didn't do anything! Why do I immediately get blamed.
[User Picture]
Date:July 8th, 2008 04:21 am (UTC)
Because I know you to well not to blame you. But it's only because I love you!
das_boot -

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