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Gio's Sin ([info]dannys_csi_sin) wrote,
@ 2008-04-20 13:28:00

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Current music:Era of the Exposed - Ceesau


GO there and listen.

Carmine and Mikey and John worked hard and rehearsed and practiced and ....well....it came out awesome! But then I love the lug so what can I say. Actually I'm not biased as one might think. It's actually very good. Even my sister and my cousins say so and they HATE Nirvana/PearlJam/garage bands. -nod-

I torment and tease all the time.

There's a line in "Jumpin Jack Flash" with Whoopi Goldberg that she's trying to get the lyrics of the song (JJF) and she has to listen to it OVER and OVER again....and at one point she's pounding on the floor saying "Mick Mick Mick! Learn to speak english!"


See where it's going?
iisten to the music.
Carmine's Italian/Norweigan. 2nd generation born here. English should be his first language. -shifty look- Damn good thing he's cute. *KOFF*

Like I said...I tease a LOT.

But his voice is killer especially on Sunshine. Just...for GODS sake don't try and figger out the words....just take a quaalude and enjoy the rhythms xD

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2008-04-21 10:16 am UTC (link)
-pouncehuggles-I really liked the music! I thought it was great and catchy and I have to agree with one commenter, I was reminded alot of the sounds from Pearl Jam and Nirvana.

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2008-04-21 02:29 pm UTC (link)
-licks- Thanks you.

Like I said the boys worked hard on it. xD And before I got a copy in my hands I was telling Lisa and Harry "this is ALL I'm gonna listen to in the car"
(Put it this way....PotC3 was in the car from the Tues when the CD came out before the movie till Dec when Sweeney came out on the 18th...then from the 18th of Dec NOTHING was played in the CD player till the 18th of March when Ceesau came out....BWAHAHA so they KNEW they were doomed. -shifty look- Guess what's still in the CD player in the car?

Aaaaaaaaanywho Lisa was like "you are NOT going to play that in the car" when I played the songs on the CDbaby site. I got the thing....put it in...and yeah it's only 5 songs but she actually LOVED it the first time she heard it.

It IS catchy and cool. I usually don't like stuff like that either -waits for a phone call from a ticked off Italian....smirk- but this was really good!

-le sigh-

He's got my heart all over again.....

Send love to everyone EVEN THE MINION!!!

I'm gonna go back and drool over him some more.

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2008-04-22 10:53 am UTC (link)
I haven't had the chance to listen to the song you sent. I have been really busy tonight up and down the stairs with James. Plus we have company this evening (see recent entry on that), but I promise to sit down later on this morning and listen to it. :D

Give everyone my love
except JD.
He gets no love EVER.

Everyone else gets lots of love.
Love you Sis!

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