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hugh abbott ;; head of international magical coope ([info]officeprank) wrote,
@ 2008-09-05 22:03:00

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Current mood: amused

Despite of all the new Ministry rulings, I'm happy to be the bearer of good news.  Everything has been so hectic lately that this announcement, I'm sure, will come to no surprise to some, but our caring Ministry has appointed me Head of International Magical Cooperation.  It was a pretty close race.  I mean, Colin had that pretty amazing speech, and I'm not going to lie - he had me with all the fist pounding.  And Seymour?  Those "Dingle All The Way" posters were extremely catchy.  That's why I had to take some down - I had to have some for myself. 

Everyone keep up the good work!  And another note - this is not a French beach.

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2008-09-06 06:13 am UTC (link)
Okay, if this was implying to that time where I didn't have any clothes on, there is a really excellent explanation for-- YOU TOOK DOWN MY POSTERS?

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2008-09-06 06:26 am UTC (link)
You ran a great campaign! I mean. It had to be brilliant if you managed to get the job without anyone even knowing you were running.

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2008-09-06 07:15 am UTC (link)
What! I didn't sign up for a working office!

That's it, I quit.

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