Fearsome Hand of Four
Fearsome Hand of Four
A group of highly skilled cybernetically enhanced ninja assassins for hire. Their true identities are unknown as is their past. They all wear cybernetically enhanced suits that enhance their skills and protect them.

Name: Woman
History: Woman is an expert in Niten Ichi-Ryu a powerful two sword fighting style. She is the most talkative member of the team and often acts as team leader.
Powers: Woman has had minor speed, strength, and endurance augmentations with major upgrades to her reaction speed and dexterity. This means that she can use her swords to stop bullets even at close range from a skilled shooter. Woman wields twin katanas that have been electrified and is very skilled at using them.

Name: Baton
History: Baton does not say much in fights but is usually the second in command in fights. He is the mid-range fighter of the team and tends to be very good at the role for the team.
Powers: Baton has had moderate augmentations to his strength,speed,endurance,agility and reaction times. Baton wields a staff weapon with electrified ends that he is skilled at using.

Name: Bulk
History: Bulk is the typically strong and silent type. He is without a doubt the group's big muscle and is the best at helping out his teammates.
Powers: Bulk has had major augmentations to his strength and endurance. He is a skilled fighter as a tank or bruiser and likes to make full use of his great strength.

Name: Shot
History: Shot is a animalistic fighter who often crawls to move around. Shot is well trained in monkey style kung fu and is a very acrobatic fight. Shot is often relied upon by the group for his stealth and stalking abilities.
Powers: Shot has had major augmentations to his speed and agility. His suit features sharp claws and a powerful energy cannon in it's eye. He is very smart at fighting with these weapons combined with is augmentations.
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