Think you can read past these eyes - Public 025 -- Gratefulness [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Public 025 -- Gratefulness [Feb. 4th, 2010|10:52 pm]
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[Current Mood | thankful]

I'm thankful that I am alive and able to still be breathing, meaning that there must be more for me out there somewhere.

I'm thankful that the Big Guy upstairs loves me no matter what...

I'm thankful for the fact that even though I'm not 100 percent perfect with my mentality of who i am and what i need to be... I've got a good idea of where I need to be.

I'm thankful for my local friends. For the people in MERGE that have shown me in a way of how perhaps that i'm important... from Grant and Misty (Who are the Jason and Mira in my to Danielle Berry, the talented singer, to meeting Melissa, to Nikki.... to Shaza...

I'm thankful for my two best friends Locally, being the MAnchild and Anna. Anna for always being the sweet person that she is, and the manchild despite the fact that he is very immature that he has a heart of gold when need be, and just... for being who he is. I love them both so dearly, that it hurts... the manchild especially. But i know i'll always be there and never forsake him.

I'm thankful for the fact that reguardless that we dont get along anymore... for all of those who I used to have on my friends list. People Like Axel... Valo... Vitani... Joey....Aurora... they were still good friends, and i still think very highly of them, especially now for being past where I originally was. I'm thankful and grateful to them. And I will admit, I do miss them alot.. but i understand where things go and are.

I'm thankful for having such an amazing friend and older sister that is [info]utena. She's a strong hearted individual that i cherish a great deal.

I'm thankful for the constant friendship that has been within [info]sehnsucht, We dont talk as we often do, but I have treasured her friendship and loyalty all theese years.

i'm incredibly thankful for the sweetness that is [info]mahou -- i follow her tweets religiously on twitter, and i constantly pray for her health and happiness, because seeing her happy makes me smile.

[info]shouri -- is a twitterite that i love at any fact to make smile, and knowing that seeing her upbeat random flailing of fandom cuteness, is enough to make me thankful that someone with a heart of gold and spunk of wonder is so cute. ♥

[info]kirie .... she is tohru. Through and through. She knows the positive within a situation, even when i cant see it. She's brought the ray of sunshine and hugs when i've needed it the most.

I am grateful every day for [info]lunareuphoria -- my Kiryuu-kun. The one who reguardless has been at a distance from me, I still treasure as my kawaii kohai. Someone I cherish and love as much as I want to protect. ♥

I am exceptionally thankful for [info]omegatrinity -- because she has been someone who though words were not communicated for the longest time... i kept her dear to me. Captain... Leader... anyone she plays is always something dear, just like she's dear to me. ♥

Strength... honesty...randomness.. heart of gold behind the rough... this is the true shine that holds within the striking [info]hammerofjustice. After meeting her so many years ago, the one thought that stayed in the back of my head still stays true. I will always be here to love and appreciate her as one of my truest friends, and will always be the pillar that stands by her whenever she needs it. From Hakkai/Sanzo... Zoro/Sanji... Konzen/Tenpou... Gilbert/Roddy.... I'll always be there to back her up.

Time only strengthens things, and this is held true within the friendship i hold dearly with [info]windsor -- time beats on us, time strengthens and weakens relationships, but perservernace shows who are the truth behind each other... who understand each other through thick and thin, through their "quirks" and their "Rough spots" .... Holmes.... who will always find some way to keep me reeling in for more, and i enjoy it, because i truly adore her.

All in all... Im thankful for YOU all. Thank you.

[User Picture]From: [info]hammerofjustice
2010-02-05 03:15 am (UTC)


Aww, thank you so much hun. ♥
[User Picture]From: [info]ghostteyes
2010-02-05 03:20 am (UTC)


Only speaking the honest truth from day one... i've really respected, appreciated and adored your friendship for a long time D...even if i never fully vocalized it. When some things happened, I would worry for you, but was going to be there till you needed me, or just... to be the silent pillar that i had been.

You have no idea how much i'm thankful for you.. and i'll stop before i get too mushy... just know i love you alot ♥
From: [info]omegatrinity
2010-02-05 05:18 am (UTC)


Domo domo~ Haha jaykay. Thanks so much! It means a lot~
[User Picture]From: [info]ghostteyes
2010-02-05 08:22 am (UTC)


Anytime sweetheart and you know that
[User Picture]From: [info]sehnsucht
2010-02-05 10:45 am (UTC)


Baby, told you so many years ago that I'm in this for the long run and nothing will ever change that.

[User Picture]From: [info]ghostteyes
2010-02-06 02:29 am (UTC)


And for that, i'm eternally grateful that you are ♥
[User Picture]From: [info]mahou
2010-02-05 06:04 pm (UTC)


Seeing you happy makes me smile as well ♥ You seem really happier these days which I am grateful for.
[User Picture]From: [info]ghostteyes
2010-02-06 02:30 am (UTC)


its been a slow process, but yeah I am. Now if i could just make the work situation different itd be another story. ♥