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hugh abbott ;; head of international magical coope ([info]officeprank) wrote,
@ 2008-08-01 00:08:00

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Current mood: okay

So! Today I was reorganising Colin's things - not "going through" like he said, what nonsense - when I happened upon my journal. He took it for some strange reason, claimed that it was because I was spreading "slander" about him - again, such nonsense - but with my powers of deduction, I managed to snag it back!

So (that's the second time I've said that, I've noticed, but now I've gone too far, I can't go back and strike it out), what have I been up to lately, you ask? Just doing my job, work, etc., AND looking after my very pregnant wife and feeling the baby girl kick!

On a more somber note, I hope everyone attended the McKinnon funeral. They were good people, and I am glad that I have had the pleasure to get to know most of them. Marco McKinnon was a great man, and I hope that he and his family rests in peace. Though this had been said already, I feel that it bears repeating - their untimely deaths were uncalled for and they really were a shining example of what it meant to be great wizarding folk.

So (oh no, my third so? This doesn't look good) I'm eying a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies that are just screaming out my name. Also another note - see Colin? Not once did I attempt to "ruin" your good name or anything silly like that. I really liked your presentation today about why you should be the new Head of Office, I thought it was clever to have you name displayed like that, very nice word play. But I didn't think that you emphasised enough on how your goat and beet farm was just like the office. Ah well, next time!

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2008-08-01 08:33 am UTC (link)
You? Slander Colin? Never.

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2008-08-01 08:57 am UTC (link)
I know, I have no idea where he'd get that idea! Good ol' Colin, with this silly ideas and his wonderfully long descriptions of his goat and beet farms and his cousin.

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2008-08-01 09:00 am UTC (link)
And let's not forget the many slow days during which he's amused us all with his instigation of office-wide debates concerning the superiority of certain types of bears.

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2008-08-01 09:05 am UTC (link)
Not to mention that one time he found a rolled up gillyweed fag outside the office corridor and decided to interrogate all of us about it.

Gosh Sarah. He's in the running to be the new Head. However can we live up to his shining example? :'(

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2008-08-01 09:08 am UTC (link)
Oh dear, I'm not all certain if I'll be able to deal with that!

I do hope someone more imperfect and less fabulous would enter the running, in the interest of saving our egos.

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2008-08-01 09:12 am UTC (link)

I think I'm getting a bit of an idea! :(

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2008-08-01 09:14 am UTC (link)

Do share!

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2008-08-01 09:19 am UTC (link)
What if I do something crazy like... enter myself in the running to be our new Head. I mean, I know I won't be as capable or as qualified as Colin, and Merlin knows that I'll need lots of posters... and of course I have next to zero clever analogies about goats and beets and bears.

What do you think?

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2008-08-01 09:22 am UTC (link)
Why, that idea sounds half-baked and completely brilliant!

I believe your daughter thinks so too, what with all this kicking she's doing.

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2008-08-01 09:34 am UTC (link)
I'll need buttons, t-shirts, flyers, pamphlets, all with my face displayed prominently on it. With a clever catchphrase!

Owl my button guy! I'll need plenty of time to think about how to inform Colin and the rest of the office of my new decision!

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2008-08-01 09:37 am UTC (link)
I'm writing up the orders right this moment!

You should tell them all very subtly. Like by sticking your advertisements all over everyone's desks. Double that for Colin.

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2008-08-01 07:26 pm UTC (link)
That's my girl!

I think Colin deserves a complimentary t-shirt. And a button. And a cap! I think he'll love those.

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2008-08-02 01:22 am UTC (link)
Colin deserves a complimentary everything. I hear it's important to be a good sportsman and be kindly towards your running-mate, after all. Shows that you've got good moral character.

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2008-08-01 02:56 pm UTC (link)

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2008-08-01 07:14 pm UTC (link)

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2008-08-01 07:27 pm UTC (link)
YES, Clara and Chloe?

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2008-08-02 02:16 am UTC (link)
What have you been UP TO? Even though I only visit your house anymore to see Sarah and the baby, but STILL.

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2008-08-02 05:44 am UTC (link)
Oh you know, hangin, chillin, and a bit of illin. Which translates into immense amounts of work!

AND WHAT ABOUT YOU, Miss Personal Assistant? I haven't seen my little sister in awhile. Actually, make that sisterS, Chloe's been scarce too :(

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2008-08-02 06:13 am UTC (link)
Mrs. Personal Assistant, thank you!

I know! We've all been so busy it's really a shame :(! But that is why I want to have a big ol' family dinner so you guys and Emmet's family can all bond and be happy and awww and cute and stuff.

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