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Gilbert Kinkaid Walker ([info]veryperceptive) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-09 19:13:00

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Entry tags:gk, npc - tim drake, zoe torres

Friendly Neighbor.
A new apartment on Union Ave. Intermittent part-time work at the theater downtown.

And every evening after supper, he throws on one of the specially-lined outfits he's specifically designated for Volunteer Work, paints his face, and makes his way down to the Triangle.

He still hasn't had cause to draw the blade; GK keeps dealing with people who just need to be hit with sticks. But he takes to bringing a bag along, in which to put the ammo and emptied guns he collects in these escapades.

One night he's got quite a few. "Great. What am I supposed to do with all this?"

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2011-02-10 02:14 am UTC (link)
"Hand them over to the police department." a voice says from behind him.

"Speak with Detective Falconeri. He'll be glad to help you get those weapons off the streets. Though, if you're really interested in keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, it's usually a better idea to handle it at the source, rather than dealing with symptoms." Red Robin says.

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2011-02-10 02:21 am UTC (link)
GK looks up, stick at first at the ready, then relaxes.

"Falconeri. I'll remember that, thanks."

"Yeah, so I heard. I'm not pretending to be a cure-all, but if the figurative diet, exercise, and hygiene of a place is out of one's control better to give it some cough syrup than nothing."

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2011-02-10 02:51 am UTC (link)
"Interesting way to put it." Red Robin says, his raspy voice carrying across the distance between them.

"But cough syrup doesn't do a lot for cancer. Sometimes, invasive therapy is needed. Are you interested in scrubbing in?" he asks.

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2011-02-10 02:56 am UTC (link)
GK listens, then smiles. "I've got the time, if you've got the expertise."

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2011-02-10 03:46 am UTC (link)
Red Robin smirks.

"All right, let's go." he says. Then he turns and fires a line from the building."

Twenty minutes later, the pair are camped on the rooftop of Warehouse 120 at the Star City Pier. Red Robin pulls a small pair of binoculars from his utility belt, looks through them to get an idea of the security, then passes them to his current partner.

"What should I call you?" he asks. "I'm Red Robin, by the way."

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2011-02-10 03:59 am UTC (link)
GK opens his mouth to say his name, then remembers and smiles. "Sliver." Coming up with a nom d'affairs shared by a couple of rock songs, a suspense movie, and his mother's depressing opinions of love was pretty ridiculous, but it amused him. Every little bit hurts. "It's silly, but so would be anything else. Good to meet you, Red Robin."
He looks through the binoculars, then mutters a count of the people and the type of precautions he sees. "So whom am I looking at?"

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2011-02-10 04:20 am UTC (link)
"These guys are working for a major player here in Star City, someone who's managed to elude my investigations for the last few months. The organization calls themselves the Black Vipers, but the people you're looking at are the Sons of Discord Motorcycle Club. They've been running guns through the Triangle and out down into the rest of California and upstate to Washington for the last year for the Vipers.

Every time I shut down two of their warehouses and drop points, four others spring up. I'm close to narrowing down the head of the Vipers, but we need something airtight to make a conviction stick.

Falconeri and his people are going to move in once we've engaged. They're all positioned within five minutes of this place, but they don't want to tip off the Sons." Red Robin says.

"You and I are going to keep them occupied long enough for the cops to get here and connect them to the gunrunning." he says.

"Are you ready?" he asks.

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2011-02-10 04:27 am UTC (link)
GK listens. His criminology knowledge, though he's plucky and adventurey, has only been brought up to the beginning of this century. Still, he's a fast learner, and Red Robin's making his points clear.

"...Yeah, I'm ready." Keep them busy. Stay alive and hit people with the stick. ...Maybe the blade, too, this time.

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2011-02-10 04:34 am UTC (link)
"All right." Red Robin says. He draws several smoke bombs from his utility belt, pauses for a brief moment, then tosses them down to street level as the thugs are loading up their duffel bags to place on their bikes.

The moment the cries of confusion go up, Red Robin leaps down into their midst, his bo staff extending to catch one man in the jaw as he tries to draw a bead.

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2011-02-10 04:42 am UTC (link)
GK's heart is pounding as he follows him down -- and sticks the landing pretty well for being on somebody's chest, if he does say so himself. He rolls to the side and slams the stick into another scrambling figure's shins, figuring he should stay down until the smoke dissipates.

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2011-02-10 04:53 am UTC (link)
The smoke rises and now visibility is down, but that doesn't hamper Red Robin as much as it would most men. He drops low and strikes at the knees of another man, landing an uppercut when he crouches in pain. A few gunshots ring out as people fire blindly.

The sirens are audible the moment the gunshots start.

"Pull out! Let's go!" one of the bikers yells, getting to his bike and gunning the engine.

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2011-02-10 04:57 am UTC (link)
GK's head immediate turns to the bike that's starting. He's staying low, because oh god is he not getting up right now, but he quickly draws the blade, reaches, and slashes the tire.

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2011-02-10 05:02 am UTC (link)
And that bike is suddenly going nowhere fast.

"What the hell?" the biker yells. He thinks he sees someone near his bike and pulls his gun to fire, but a disk knocks the gun aside and out of the thugs hand as he tries to shoot.

Red Robin turns and takes a punch to the face, but recovers and kicks another biker in the chest.

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2011-02-10 05:12 am UTC (link)
Almost getting shot is always unsettling, and some of these people hit harder than anyone in his training, but GK's been getting a good amount of practice with the tussles in the Triangle lately.

He concentrates on trying to sweep feet out from under them, and on dodging their attempts against him whenever they notice him.

And on not getting sick when he realizes some of the things they Want.

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2011-02-10 05:21 am UTC (link)
The biker who shot at him gets swept and falls down, but he tries anyway to lash out with a kick at Silver.

Red Robin manages to take down another biker when the squad cars arrive on the scene, sirens blaring. Detective Falconeri gets out of one of cars and draws his weapon.

"FREEZE!" he yells, and several of Star City's finest follow suit. The Sons of Discord, those still standing, realize what's happening and freeze in place.

Red Robin steps back from the criminals, looking around for Silver.

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2011-02-10 05:26 am UTC (link)
The kick's hard to dodge completely from his position, but he manages make sure it's not his ribs, at least. So Sliver will be sitting on the ground, holding still himself -- because you do what police say, right? -- a little blood seeping through the outfit around his shin.

He catches sight of Red Robin. "Laundry's going to be really annoying."

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2011-02-10 05:41 am UTC (link)
"Don't worry. I know a remedy for it." he says as the cops move in to start cuffing the bad guys and Mirandizing them. Red Robin walks over and extends a hand to Silver.

"Good job. You handled yourself well." he says, reaching into the folds of his cape.

He hands silver some gauze and a band-aid.

"Can you patch yourself up or do you need help?" he asks.

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2011-02-10 05:49 am UTC (link)
"Thanks." He'll take the hand and get up.

The guy carries around bandages? GK should've thought of that. "I can handle it."

And then it hits him, looking at Red Robin.


GK's well-practiced dealing with these sudden pronouncements. He barely blinks. Barely. 'Cause that's kind of creepy.

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2011-02-10 05:57 am UTC (link)
Red Robin notices the minute blink, but attributes it to the dim lighting of the area.

"Silver, this is Detective Falconeri." Red Robin says, pointing out the brown-haired Italian in his early thirties. Falconeri wears a brown leather jacket, a button down black-shirt and blue jeans with black boots. Silver can see a few golden chains around Faloneri's neck, under his shirt. His badge is suspended from a silver chain hanging outside of his clothes.

"Nice to meet you, Silver." Falconeri says, offering a hand to shake.

"You can turn over those other weapons you found to him." Red Robin says.

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2011-02-10 06:05 am UTC (link)
"Nice to meet you, too," he says, shaking more firmly than his exquisitely manicured hands might generally indicate.

"Great! I can grab them in a minute. And, um, the evidence is all in order without any legal necessities from us, right?"

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2011-02-10 06:09 am UTC (link)
Falconeri nods. "As far as I know, you two happened on the scene when we did. You can both go. And thanks for the assist." he says.

Red Robin fires a line and nods to Silver.

"Thanks for helping out. The Triangle could use more people like you willing to help." Red Robin says.

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2011-02-10 06:17 am UTC (link)
"Great." No criminal anywhere knew or cared -- anymore at least; Uncle Jed's case was weird -- who the Walkers were, and it'd be nice to keep it that way.

Sliver nods. "You're very welcome. I hope to be seeing you around."

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2011-02-10 06:22 am UTC (link)
"You will, Silver. Star City isn't that big of a place. Get in touch if you need anything." Red Robin says.

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2011-02-10 07:39 pm UTC (link)
Sliver nods and waves, then finishes handling the bleeding and heads back upward himself -- a little less efficiently, to grab the bag and hand it over to the detective.

Once that's done, he can head home.

He bets himself ten bucks that whatever's up with Red Robin, he's got a girlfriend. Guys who carry themselves like that, with a body like that, do not stay single for long.

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(no subject) - [info]zoe_torres, 2011-02-11 02:16 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-11 02:21 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]zoe_torres, 2011-02-11 02:33 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-11 02:40 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]zoe_torres, 2011-02-11 02:50 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-11 02:54 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]zoe_torres, 2011-02-11 03:09 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-11 03:23 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]zoe_torres, 2011-02-11 03:46 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-11 03:48 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]zoe_torres, 2011-02-11 03:58 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-11 04:05 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]zoe_torres, 2011-02-11 04:24 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-11 04:36 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]zoe_torres, 2011-02-11 06:31 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-11 06:43 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]zoe_torres, 2011-02-11 07:54 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-11 07:56 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]zoe_torres, 2011-02-11 07:58 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-11 08:07 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-11 08:25 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]zoe_torres, 2011-02-11 08:30 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-11 08:36 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]zoe_torres, 2011-02-11 08:44 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-11 08:49 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-11 07:00 pm UTC
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(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-11 07:12 pm UTC
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(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-11 07:37 pm UTC
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(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-13 02:20 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-13 02:38 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-13 03:04 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-13 04:27 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-13 04:45 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-13 05:34 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]zoe_torres, 2011-02-13 06:23 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]veryperceptive, 2011-02-13 06:26 am UTC
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2011-03-13 03:13 pm UTC (link)

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