Friends and Family!
It felt so very good to be a married man.
Santiago grinned from his seat at the head table, trying to suppress his confusion at Seymour's banjo ballad. He had no idea why he thought it would be a good idea to tell his friend he'd have a moment of spotlight at the reception, least it had its memories.
He wanted to feel bad that it wasn't a traditional wizarding wedding ceremony, but who was he kidding? Santiago was raised in the Catholic church, he'd never pictured his own to be anything different and---even though it had ruined a lot of their initial plans, he couldn't be happier with the day.
Mostly because of the beautiful bride he was currently gripping hands with.
He leaned over to Jolene and smiled widely, sure that he managed to show off all of his teeth. It was remarkable; Santiago never thought he'd love someone as much as he did Jolene, and she managed to sweep him off his feet in--if he wanted to be honest, that first day in St. Mungo's. When she was looking ill and sickly and still managed to make his heart jump and flip and tie his stomach into knots? Well. Deus, it was perfect.
"It was not that bad, yes?" he said, amused with the light and awkward applause Seymour had received.
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