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danielle r. rookwood ([info]curador) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-11-21 19:36:00

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Entry tags:alexandrakis smith, graciela pennifold, lyssandra vance, santiago cervantes, seymour dingle

Friends and Family!
It felt so very good to be a married man.

Santiago grinned from his seat at the head table, trying to suppress his confusion at Seymour's banjo ballad. He had no idea why he thought it would be a good idea to tell his friend he'd have a moment of spotlight at the reception, but...at least it had its memories.

He wanted to feel bad that it wasn't a traditional wizarding wedding ceremony, but who was he kidding? Santiago was raised in the Catholic church, he'd never pictured his own to be anything different and---even though it had ruined a lot of their initial plans, he couldn't be happier with the day.

Mostly because of the beautiful bride he was currently gripping hands with.

He leaned over to Jolene and smiled widely, sure that he managed to show off all of his teeth. It was remarkable; Santiago never thought he'd love someone as much as he did Jolene, and she managed to sweep him off his feet in--if he wanted to be honest, that first day in St. Mungo's. When she was looking ill and sickly and still managed to make his heart jump and flip and tie his stomach into knots? Well. Deus, it was perfect.

"It was not that bad, yes?" he said, amused with the light and awkward applause Seymour had received.

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2008-11-22 01:52 am UTC (link)
Lyssandra was, for once, feeling a little more like her pre-pregnancy self. She was more than happy for Santiago (oh, sure, she'd held a flame for him for a long time, but that had been for the most part in school) and glad for the wedding ceremony. It was a good distraction and despite the fact that she was sure her dress made her look like a walrus in red, she was in a very good mood.

She'd tried very hard not to laugh at Seymour and managed to muffle any sort of giggles she had in her by turning her face into Tadhg's shoulder...and once she had her cheek cradled there she didn't see a reason to move. She half-smirked against his shirt. "Well, now that that's over..."

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2008-11-22 02:04 am UTC (link)
Seymour was an entertainer at heart, after all! And after the many years of teaching himself the banjo, it was rewarding to walk onto that stage and sing the very best ballad he could ever have written forty-eight hours prior to the event for one of his very dearest friends!

Even if he hadn't really known about the wedding until about a week and a half ago.

Trivialities, trivialities.

He had however, been feeling extremely thirsty and was on his way to find a punch bowl, or perhaps procure himself some firewhiskey (Seymour wanted to steer away from any dairy, in the event that someone fawned over his vocals so much and asked for an encore--which he would, naturally, delightedly give!). But, in all his years of carting around his banjo, Seymour had never really bothered to account for its size. He did, after all, play an instrument. And playing an instrument was a cause for admiration, was it not! After all, how many people could claim they they were completely proficient at banjo playing? Well, he could! Clearly, people could see that, when he was walking by with such a large thing draped across his shoulder; there was no need for him to take into consideration the girth or protruding ends of his delicate musical instrument!

But Seymour did occasionally feel bad when he jostled someone with it, and he felt even worse when there was a drink in the hand that he had jostled.

"Sorry, miss!"

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2008-11-24 03:17 am UTC (link)
Chloe loved weddings! It was the perfect opportunity to mingle, socialize, drink, meet cute boys, etc. Although she still flirted with the mature older men that walked into her bar nightly, she still held out for that one special man she had briefly met before - the only one who had sang and played a banjo for her! It was so cute, even though he was a bit tipsy.

So imagine her delight when that same banjo player arrived to play at the very same wedding she was attending! Chloe wandered off after the show was over, and poured herself a drink, glancing around for the mysterious banjo player, Seymour. So busy looking back and forth, however...

That she did not bother looking ahead and as a result, her drink was bumped out of her hand by a clumsy someone. She opened her mouth to let out her indignation, but she gaped as she realized who it was.


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2008-11-22 02:34 am UTC (link)
Even with all the family that had flown up from Portugal, even with seeing Andrea for the first time in a year, even with Zacharias being passed around like a doll and kissed all over, Graciela felt sick to her stomach. Not the excited, ready to do something amazing kind of sick, but the kind of sick that made you want to run out of a room and never look back.

She'd sat with Alex at the ceremony, but that wasn't nearly as bad. No, they had to be quiet there, they had to pay attention to the vows and--maybe Graciela had been crying quite a bit at the sight of her brother getting married, but. But now was time to celebrate and be joyous, and all she could do was worry.

He had to be mad at her. She was mad at her, as much as she was mad at him. And even though she was mad at him, she hated the fact and wanted to fix it, and--pushing out a breath, Graciela stood and crossed the reception hall to where her husband---or, technically he was not, because of the exam they had failed---was examining the drinks. Graciela paused for a second before she tapped him lightly by the elbow, and smiled weakly.

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2008-11-23 05:00 am UTC (link)
So, today so far had been--uncomfortable, to say the least. No, not even uncomfortable, more like downright painfully awkward. Although it seemed like no one knew about their current domestic problems, Alex felt like the eyes of all of her family were on him. Even during the ceremony, he couldn't sit completely still because he was sure that Graciela was regretting every second that she was sitting there with him that she had asked him to come.

Now they had not seen or spoken to each other since the reception had begun, which left Alex standing over by the drinks and---just standing. Trying to look like he had a reason to be there and turning to his back to the rest of her family in case any of them were really giving him those scrutinizing glares he imagined in his mind.

He had been intent on watching the party lights dance off the edge of his glass when Graciela came up and nearly sent him jumping out of his skin. Alex turned and smiled weakly, trying to hide his surprise, and then opened his mouth to say something---but nothing came out. What did he say to her? Fuck, his own wife--or ex-wife, whatever--and he didn't even know what to say to her.

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2008-11-23 06:45 am UTC (link)
She really did wish she wasn't an emotional person. Some days it was fine, like during the ceremony and with Zacharias, but right now? The look on his face; there wasn't that sign of excitement to see her, even if it was just a quick look or glance and--and it broke her heart. All that was there was worry and concern, and--her husband should not look at her like that. Graciela couldn't help her obvious falter and looked away. How could she have let them become this strange around each other? She should not have left, she should have stayed and--

--and she was allowed to be angry at him, yes? It was not completely wrong of her to have taken the time to--to...she had no idea, anymore. Missing him and being upset and confusion--all of it came crashing into her chest and Graciela had to bite her tongue to stop herself from beginning to tear up.

They could not leave, because Zacharias was still in the room (with Andrea carrying him around as if he were her own, but still) and it was her brother's wedding--no need for a scene, but she had to--

"Will you--dance with me?" She felt like a fourth year at a ball, her face flushed with nerves.

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2008-11-22 02:36 am UTC (link)
Marnie was admittedly overexcited about Jolene's wedding. Even though she'd been friends with the woman for years and quite liked her ... she hadn't thought that Jolene would ever get married -- more out of her personality than her looks. That was, of course, a horrible thing to say ... but it wasn't like she was saying it out loud. She twirled her dress absently and glanced up to the stage, clapping for the fellow playing the banjo -- he was so unique! Definitely something that she could get behind.

"I wonder where he learned to play," she murmured mostly to herself, glancing around for wherever Mycroft had gone. Perhaps he'd had some sort of Auror-emergency or he was off getting cheese puffs or ... something. Regardless, she was definitely looking for someone to dance with -- it was one of the few things that she felt confident doing in public, after all.

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2008-11-25 06:54 am UTC (link)
She just couldn't believe it. She was married. She, Jolene-Lucille Flint (no, Cervantes!) was a married woman! It was almost too good to be true. And so what if they hadn't been able to marry in the traditional wizarding style? Her parents hadn't been too thrilled with the idea at first, and admittedly, neither had she. But no one could deny that today had been nothing short of magical.

Jolene was practically glowing as Santiago (her HUSBAND!) took her hands, her laughter ill concealed as Seymore warbled along to something they called a 'banjo'. Leaning over so that she could attempt to muffle her giggling against his shoulder, she drew back only to politely join in the applause.

She glanced back at Santi as he voiced his question, her smile growing to impossible proportions upon her face. "No, it wasn't that bad," she agreed. "It was perfect." And she truly meant it. Her dress was fitted perfectly, the flawless white hugging to every curve of her tall frame... her golden curls were pulled partially away from her face, left to softly brush her shoulders and cascade down between her shoulders. Tilting her body towards him, she whispered those three words that had gotten them here in the first place before gently sweeping her lips across his. "I love you, Santi."

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