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Outsiders HQ
Joey was sitting on the couch (feet up on the table, of course) in the Outsiders' living room, watching TV and drinking a beer. All together, it had been a pretty good day. Slept until noon, Baywatch rerun marathon on the tube, fresh jalapeno dip from the fridge, new bag of potato chips, and all the beer he could drink.
His cell phone went off and the caller ID told him it was his mother. He flipped it open, muting the TV. "Hey, Mom. What's up?"
If he still had anything like blood, it probably would have gone cold right then. "Dead? You're sure?"
"No, look, Mom, I didn't mean it like..."
"Yeah, okay. I'll be home soon. Just hold on until then."
"Love you, too."
He flipped it closed, looked at the beer bottle in his other hand and frowned. With a grunt, he threw it against the wall, where it shattered.
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