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cheaphats ([info]cheaphats) wrote,
@ 2012-09-08 11:01:00

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Parts of corporate profits shrink why can the business income
 Deduct the past year business income taxes raise factor, business income taxes actual increases 0.3% in May

  The treasury department relevant responsible person said that the business income taxes amplification is higher, mainly is a banking to remit to settle to pay in 2011 in May business income taxes to is significant to raise.

This responsible person explained, because of 2011 the banking profit is higher, by rule the business income taxes remitting and settling and paying past year together compared to raise 69,000,000,000 dollars or so, have about 70% of the business income taxes accrual in current month.Also scilicet, together compare to raise 99,600,000,000 dollars business income taxes in May amid, have 69,000,000,000 is a banking revamp to pay of the business income taxes in 2011.

  If the cheap new era snapback subtract banking  remits to settle to pay of the business income taxes in 2011, the national business income taxes increases to 9% so in May or so.If again 2011 that deduct other crafts to remit to settle to pay business income taxes, so this year May business income taxes practice the growth is only 0.3%.This figure, with this year corporate profit slump and policy's abating the impact of factor is a conformity.

  The subtract remits to settle to pay the past year business income taxes raise factor, the national government receipts increases 5% in May or so, among them, the revenue receive increases 4% or so.Such an amplification, the basic situation and implementation structure slowing down with our country current economic growth's abating the impact of waiting the factor is also a conformity.

  The business income taxes divides month or pay in advance in quarterlty instalments first, year ending again remit to settle to pay

  The national taxation headquarter relevant responsible person recommends and follows tax law rules, the our country assumes annual calculation to the taxes on income, cent month or pay in advance in quarterlty instalments, year ending again steer pure pay of tool levy.

  The business income taxes divides month or pay in advance in quarterlty instalments, mainly is a business to check to calculate a proptosis to is a wholesale obey snapback month or be the corporate profit in qtr sur the accounting, then sur the rate of duty imposition of corporate profit secundum regulam.For example, a business the profit last month is 1,000,000 dollars, the taxes on income rate of duty is 25%, so this business prepared to pay last month of the business income taxes is 250,000 dollars;If this monthly interest is smooth to decline, only 400,000 dollars, so the business prepares to pay of the taxes on income also correspond to cut to 100,000 dollars;If the business loss had no profit next month, so the business prepares to pay of taxes on income be zero, need not imposition.

  Now that business income taxes is follow corporate profit of how much pay of, why still need to steer a year ending to remit to settle to pay?

  This responsible person explained, prepared to pay is the corporate profit that checks sur the accounting comes to imposition, but follow tax law rules, the business income taxes should follow "taxable income" of business to figure out surrender.Generally speaking, taxable income and corporate profit combine incompletely and same alike, is distinguishing.Also scilicet, the business prepares to pay of taxes on income and physically should pay of the taxes on income is to exist variant.Sur business income taxes law second 11 regulation rules settle, "while figuring out taxable income, the rules disparity of business finance, accounting treatment resource and revenue law, administrative laws and regulationse of, should according to the rules account of revenue law, administrative laws and regulationse." So, at year-end of time, tax authority still want to follow tax law rules along with the business treasurer's department undertake remit to settle to pay, according to actually figure out the taxes on income that business should pay, implementation refund for any overpayment, after annual expiration 5 square inside monthses should repair to pay or refundable tax.see more:Linsanity's transferring

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