もういちど: しけん、しゅくだい

Guilty as charged?


Guilty as charged?

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Finally, I have three days off where I could breathe and get some organizing done. However, I feel that today was not accomplished to my complete satisfaction. Sure, I washed three loads of laundry, folded two loads of that and put them away in drawers, spend time with my kids, did all the recycling runs, threw out a bag of trash, turned some overripe bananas and slightly expired milk into a pitcher of milkshake I downed, scrubbed the toilet, seat, and lid sparkling, vacuumed the hallway, kitchen, and bathroom, sorted all the soft plastic and Styrofoam and had that bagged for a recycle drop off tomorrow, made an awesome rice cooker's worth of black bean fried dace & Shitake mushroom congee, washed all the dishes... somehow I feel that I could've achieved much more today. Perhaps I'm being too hard on myself, but it feels like the home is still in a complete mess. I know that the Great Wall of China wasn't built overnight but I really want the place to look nice, not like if a bomb hit it. Oh well, another day I suppose.
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